Sunday, March 30, 2014

Baseball, Weekend Fun!

These 4, I adore! 
It was so fun to camp with them this weekend.
Vance, Merit, Willem and Hazel left Friday at about 4:00 for Yakima. I stayed back with Oren who had a fever and was not feeling great. Oren and I had a quiet, relaxing 24 hours together. By 3:00 Saturday afternoon Oren seemed like himself so the two of us made the trip to Yakima. We had the opportunity to view some great baseball this weekend. And the time with family and friends is sweet. Lots of laughter by the campfire and making memories is fun.

Merit pitching, Carter at short stop

Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's the weekend

Emerging Reader
Chunky thighs
He loves books, songs and rhymes.
I love this age.

He is ten months now... he has more cuddles and love from his big sister! 
I love this!! 

footie pajamas, with the Nikes if we head outside or to the shop. :)

Oren and I are home while the rest of the family enjoys baseball today!! 
GOOOO Chiefs!! 

This little guy has been sick. No fever yet today however so I am praying he is on the mend. This is the first time he has ever been sick.

We got some rain yesterday and last night. Our lawn is really greening up. Spring really has sprung.
I have spinach and arugula planted. We do not go a day without eating spinach. I put it in smoothies, we have it in salads, egg dishes, on sandwiches, in wraps. I would love it if our spinach in the garden really took off. I am glad the weekend is here! 
I hope my little guy feels back to normal soon. It is so hard to see our babies sick.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Missing my mom, here it is March 25 again.

Mom at Target
I was just at Target yesterday. 
I have a lot of fun memories of shopping with her there. 
What I wouldn't give for one more day! 

My mom and my sis Lesha

Mom and Grandpa Ken
My mom went to heaven on March 25th and then a few of years later my Grandpa entered heaven's gates on that same date. It was a beautiful blessing to be able to speak very openly with both of them. My Grandpa Ken and my mom were really easy to be around. They had a lot of love, kindness and they both had Jesus in their hearts. I miss them both very much.

Dinner in Moses Lake with mom, Matt and Phil! 

My mom and dad

I shared recently on my blog that I found a card my mom had written me not long before she passed away. I hadn't seen the card in ten or so years! So finding it in a bin of college papers, report cards etc was a really special find. She had also sent me a picture of my family's home. There my mom is on her front porch with her beautiful flowers. Just a few days before she died, she told my sister Lesha that she was excited for spring and told her she wanted to sew some pillows for her bench on the front porch. It was shocking when she passed away just a few days later. Today, I feel like I could write a book. But, Hazel just hollered down to me that Oren has a dirty diaper. I need to swap out the laundry and need to see if I have all of the ingredients for a potato dish I am going to make tonight. Thinking of all of these "jobs" makes me think of my sweet mom too! She had five children. She was always busy. My dad was always working, so she had a lot on her plate. But she had time to laugh, be a fun mom and make memories with her family.

To imagine her in heaven with her sister, father, mother and father in law, grandson and many others... oh it makes my heart hurt and it is a comfort all at the same moment. So many things I do not understand and you know the older I get, I still don't understand. But I do know 
I had an incredible mom!! 
Life is short.
We never know when a loved one could be gone.
I treasure EVERY SINGLE day.
Family is a precious gift.
When we feel burdened, sad or lonely, God cares. He will carry our sadness.
We have hope in Him.

I miss my mom everyday, but oh do I miss her today.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Baseball, Baby Boy, Our Weekend

This baby is so sweet and happy. 
He is a little dream.

Squishy, chunky thighs... sweetness

We headed to Pasco on Friday for some baseball fun! 
Merit did great pitching. It is fun to see these guys back out on the field.
We'll hope to do better next tournament. Our boys seemed a little "rusty" -- 
It is great to watch these kids play and I think with more practice and after getting back into the "swing of things" ;), we'll do better.

Oren gets lots of snuggles from the fans! 
(Rita is holding him here)
And Hazel always checks in on him! And gives him a little kiss. :) 

Camping was really fun! We love the camping space we have. The kids 
brought their bikes. They played, biked around, had a ball!  Oren slept great in the porta crib. We were 
able to camp with baseball friends. The weather was a little windy, but otherwise nice.

We have a lot more baseball in our near future! Merit and Willem will play this spring! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life, sunny days, MARCH

Oh my goodness, I am not sure I should be blogging! We've got piles, laundry, toys, scattered homework...  

I LOVE seeing the sun! Yesterday it was beautiful!!And it is again today! Hazel helped me wash the car in her swimsuit yesterday afternoon! :) Today we had a fun brunch with friends at Kelly's and then I took some pictures at the school for PTA. Now, Hazel and Oren are napping and I just planted a few primroses.

School is going okay for the the boys. Merit feels like fifth grade is a lot of work, but his grades are fantastic. He puts a lot of pressure on himself whether it is school, sports or being a big brother and a good son. Willem is a math whiz! And he is doing well in reading but I feel like I have to sit on him to get him to read. SO, our book right now is Big Nate and we like it. He reads a couple of pages and then I read seven or eight pages. The last two nights Merit has read it to him. We will finish this one. The last three chapter books we started we didn't finish. He sort of loses interest or just does not want to read on his own.
Hazel is a dream. This girl has a very fun personality. She is SO helpful with Oren. I can't imagine a more helpful big sister! She is bossy at times -- but oh this girl! 
Oren is so content. Some nights he sleeps all night, many nights I just need to plug his binkie in a few times. Last night he slept all night long, whoot, whoot!  He is so, so sweet. I soak this guy up! 

Homework patrol, wife, mom, laundry queen, house cleaner, peace maker, baby rocker... I have a lot of jobs. ;)  I am trying to think of quick, healthy meals with us having baseball every day this week. I have a photo shoot this week and two assignments to complete for my college course as well.

And this weekend Merit has a baseball tournament!  

I am so thankful God gives me the energy for this! I have more energy now than I did five or ten years ago. Maybe because I have to, maybe it is my frame of mind -- either way I am thankful I have it.

Natasha and Reese are having a GIRL! I am so excited for them! 

Not this past weekend but the weekend before Matt and Phil came for a visit! 
It was great having them! 

Vance got a new hoop for the shop. Lots of basketball and baseball going on around here! 

I played this with my brothers when they were just a little older than Merit and Will!
When they would come to Moses Lake to visit, this game was a hit. I have memories of playing it with our mom too. Now, the uncles are playing it with the nephews.
March is a month of reflection. It is so full of new life and new beginnings, but because it is the month my mom passed away, it is a month of a big goodbye too. I let myself really think about her, I look at more pictures. I sometimes even get the old home movies out. I don't know why exactly, but I let myself be sad in March. I have so much to be thankful for. She was a wonderful mom and I had her for 25 years! But, my greatest sadness today is that she did not experience being a grandma here on earth. Some tell me that being a grandma is even better than being a parent. Those words are hard for me to hear. 
I think because I know that life is short, I am keenly aware that I need to soak up the blessings around me. God granted me a lot of patience. I love, love, love raising these kids. Sometimes I think I could have four more and sometimes I think that if I did, they'd never have clean underwear. ;)


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dreaming about spring, but enjoying days of winter

Garden girl, enjoying working the land, dreaming about starting seeds and drinking a little hot apple cider. :) 

Our weekend was great. Matt and Phil were here! So fun to have them. Lots of laughs and good visiting.

Recent Days...

so then I find myself dreaming of GREEN, of days outside, barefoot, of spring blooms and 
summer flowers...

But we aren't there YET! And that's okay. There is something pretty great about winter too.
Quiet and cozy.Time inside with cozy fires and babies on my lap.
More time for reading and it is easier to go to bed early...

Yesterday we had a snow/ice day in Moses Lake. 
NO school for Merit and Will. So we had a really
nice day at home. Our days of gardening seem far off all of a sudden.

Everyone should be THIS excited about a "NO SCHOOL DAY!"

Saturday, March 1, 2014

These Four I Adore

Merit. This boy is responsible, caring and he is a hard worker!
On and off the field or court. ;)
He is growing up a lot! 

Loves an adventure! 
He is an outdoor kid, wildnerness boy, he is great at math! He is so sweet to his sister.
He's a great kid.

Oren Paul, loves his bath and loves playing!

He is so very sweet.

This girl is sweet, imaginative and VERY fun to hang out with!! 
Hazel Jane, I am so glad I have a daughter! 

Yesterday we played for hours in Hazel's room. She loves being a little mama and home maker in here. Oren loves playing in Hazel's room as well.

Matt and Phil left Lynden around 4 this morning and got here at 8:30. We are enjoying our time with them. The kids LOVE time with their uncles.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...