Monday, February 4, 2013

Just Another Late Start Monday...

Just another late start Monday...
I love late start Mondays.
This morning our yummy, simple breakfast was made up of toaster streudels and strawberries on leftover Ravens plates from yesterday. :)

Willem did a little reading before school.
His reading is really taking off!!

Getting ready to head to the bus...

Love these kids!

Oh and a hug and an I love you from Hazel...

Now, to spend the day with Miss Hazel Jane...

Happy Monday!
Yesterday's Super Bowl was fun. It was a quiet day at home for us... just what we needed.
Vance made some delicious wings, I made Touchdown Taco Dip ( a Pampered Chef recipe).
Vance and Merit were pretty excited about the big game!
This week we have basketball, baseball, Math is Cool, an OB appt for me, possibly an afternoon of ice skating, a few
organizational projects to take on, Valentine cards to make ... and fun to be had.

Praying this week for healthy hearts, for healing and protection.
I am so thankful for my friends who are praying for our family!
So thankful for my family, thankful that Reese, Natasha and kids have all made it to
their new home in Kodiak. I was very inspired by blogs over the weekend. That is a fun winter hobby of mine. Enjoy your week... I will be back soon!

1 comment:

Debra said...

Those late start Mondays always mess me up with time. I take her to school & it seems like just a little later it's time to pick her up. It is nice to have one morning not to have to rush. Have a good week!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...