Sunday, March 25, 2012

Missing my mom

Lesha posted a cute picture of our mom on facebook today. It was our mom in the driver seat of the family van. It made me laugh and then it made me cry. I really miss her like crazy.

March 25

I think today I reflect most on what a FRIEND my mom was to me. I feel very blessed to have had a very real, uplifting, fun friendship with her.
My friends who have a wonderful friendship with their child or with their mother can begin to understand where I am coming from.
She was very easy to talk to and had such an interest in each of us kids lives, our friends, what made us laugh...
I am thankful that she loved Jesus.
I am thankful she spent lots of time with her kids.
I am thankful I have four siblings.
I am thankful she loved to laugh with her family.
I am thankful that many sweet memories were made with her.

Mom and Lesha

Phillip, Matt and my mom

Mom and Dad

Our family

My mom and me

Three weeks before our mom passed away I had driven to Lynden from Moses Lake to spend the weekend. That weekend, my mom and I shopped for a bridal shower she was throwing. We bought tulips to have in the center of the table. We went to church together at Wiser Lake Chapel and went to TJ Max after church. We went for a long walk down Weidkamp Road that Sunday afternoon before I headed back to Moses Lake. I had no idea that three weeks later, on a Sunday evening, she would pass away.
I really love having made those memories and countless others with her.
March has always been a month of blossoms, baby animals, new growth, new beginnings. For a long time after my mom passed away it was a month of sadness and mourning.
But I need to remember March 25, 2001 was a day of new LIFE and new beginnings for my mom. We lost her and could hardly bare to face our days without her, but it was a day of celebrating and new life for her.

And a few years later on March 25 my mom's father, Grandpa Ken was also called to his heavenly home. March 25th again was a day of mourning, but also a day for celebration. We miss them both so much.

This March I want to focus on new life, new beginnings and high hopes.... because they really are there.


kelly said...

I love this post Michele. Thank you so much for sharing your precious memories and your beautiful way of looking at life. Thank you for your inspiration and insight on what really matters, you keep me focused on the beauty of motherhood and the responsibility of raising these little guys.

Natasha said...

Love those pictures! I am so blessed to have awesome siblings to share all of our mom memories with!

Unknown said...

Always thinking of you and your whole family this time of year. My parents have such great memories with your Mom and Dad. My Mom always talks about how much she learned from your Mom, and her beautiful outlook on life. :) Thinking of you- Tara

Katie said...

So nice to visit with you today and I cherish our friendship. Thank you for loving our family and for your sweet thoughts and prayers. God puts very special people in our lives and I count YOU as one of them. Thinking much of you and your family this week & sending prayers your way as well! Love you Michele.

Melinda said...

What a beautiful tribute to your mom. We are blessed by wonderful memories. Looking forward to the day we will see our moms again.

Anonymous said...

that's very bad feeling when you miss someone. you mustnt laugh at it. if you will imagine yourself as him/her, you will start to cry and become sad. so do not laugh on other people's sad feelings :( Visit my blog and review it if you will like it

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