Friday, May 13, 2011

Viewer Discretion Advised

We LOVE watching Merit play baseball!

Merit is ready for the catch at first base and the runner was OUT!

The Red Sox!!

We have ourselves a sweet little dandelion picker.

These two love to be at baseball AND they enjoy the snacks!!

Okay, so I posted a fun baseball album on facebook. Many
of you know how facebook works, everyone you are friends with can view pictures and comments you post.
A couple of my facebook friends are sweet parents that I just met through baseball! I wanted
to share pictures of the team with them.
Somehow in the middle of my baseball album was a picture of an awkward, nude couple.
I have to put it here.... the embarassment has already happened AND my
sisters thought it was hilarious. Along with Kristen. Making those three laugh might have been worth my dumb mistake.

ohhhhhh If people didn't think I was crazy before they do now.

One day I was googling awkward photos and sharing them with my sis in law Cary, my sisters and
a couple friends... this one got saved in my pic files!

Vance and I get to experience Cave B this weekend!!
Google Cave B, Quincy, WA. It is beautiful!!!
Can't wait to go with my awesome husband.


Tami said...

LOL, that is funny. Now all the baseball families know you and won't forget you!
Enjoy Cave B, I haven't been there but Max has and loved it.

Leah said...

Michele, I totally saw that picture the night that you posted it on fb. I had NO idea what to think. In my head I thought, "Hmm, maybe she's getting into a different kind of photography...". Hehehe, I'm giggling about it now. What a good sport you are - and thank you for the chuckle :)

MTiesinga said...

all i can say HA HA!

Daphine said...

Your kiddos are so CUTE!!!! And the nude pics showing up....LOL! OMG!!!! WOW!

kelly said...


This is hilarious!!! Reminds me of one of the first emails I sent our neighboor Bridgette entitled "Women's Fantasy's" It was a photo calendar of regular guys, with clothes on, doing housework and stuff! Her and her husband thought I sent racey photos and deleted before even looking at any pics...made it even more funny!

Natasha said...

It made my day that day and now again today! Just the thought of people's reactions when seeing it in one of your albums makes me laugh my head off! I will be remembering that pose for the next time I need some pregnancy shots taken!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! That is too funny! Maybe I'm a prude but I just couldn't take my clothes off for a photographer! I know it's popular during pregnancy but still I couldn't do it!

Jodi said...

I took a picture something like that tonight of a certain prego friend of yours and her hubby...It wasn't awkward at all. Yeah...just kidding:)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...