Monday, January 31, 2011

Buddy Boarding on the Lake (Boogie Boarding in the Ocean)
Renting a convertible and cruising through Coronado
Checking out Old Town San Diego
Enjoying the rides and sights of Disneyland and California Adventure Park
Spending time with Natasha, Reese, Lane and Estelle
along with the DeBie girls...
were just some of our highlights!!

Wednesday night I was full of worry. Hazel was NOT herself. We had made it to Lynden, planning to fly out of Bellingham at 8 a.m. the next morning. We enjoyed dinner out with my dad and brothers. Throughout the day and early evening, Hazel seemed fine although she had a fever off and on for a couple of days. By bedtime that night she was not herself and I was so worried she had an ear infection. She cried for a long time and was restless. My mind was spinning, how would she fair on the airlplane with an ear infection?, how would she get rest on our trip to get better, could we go without her?
I woke up at about 5 a.m. Thursday morning, lacking sleep and praying a good plan for Hazel would fall into place. Adie offered to keep her. She said she would take her to the doctor. I was so thankful for this option! But we were a bit torn as to what to do.We ended up leaving her which was such a hard decision early Thursday morning. But I am sure it was for the best. She did have an ear infection. She got started on antibiotics right away and Adie and Stan took good care of Hazel Jane as she got lots of rest and recovered! She had fun with Papa and Gramma.

Our flight to San Diego went great. We rented a convertible and CRUISED to Natasha and Reese's. The weather was GORGEOUS! It was so fun to get to their house. After having lunch there, we headed to the beach.

Merit and Lane strolling and conversing as Willem speeds by

As we were driving to Anneheim Thursday night, Willem
 said "I loved buddy boarding on the lake!!"
He meant Boogie Boarding... :) on the ocean! Or at least
giving it a try...

The water was BEAUTIFUL!

Cruising through Coronado to Old Town San Diego

More pics to come... I have to say I am not quite ready to be home, we had a fantastic time.


The Mulder Family said...

Looks like you had tons of the weather too!!

Katie said...

Such great pictures and makes me so want to go there! Glad you had a great time, even without your girl. I'm sure that was such a hard decision but best for her to heal up and great for grandparents to get that time with Hazel too. Can't wait to see your next posts/pics about the trip!!! I can see why your heart is still in San Diego!

Leah said...

Beautiful pictures Michele!

April said...

So sorry about baby Hazel...hope she's on the mend! Your trip sounds like a BLAST! Glad you had FUN, but it is hard to go back to reality, isn't it?

just a mom with a camera said...

looks like so much fun, your pictures are so great!! I want summer even more now!

Anonymous said...

I think you did the right thing for Hazel. I remember flying last year and Bryan's ear hurt for days. Of course he's an adult and wasn't sick so I can only imagine how bad that would have been for Hazel. Your trip looks amazing! I can't believe y'all were in the ocean in jealous!

Tami said...

I loved seeing the boys having fun at the beach. While it was too bad Hazel didn't go, it was nice for Grandma. Sometimes leaving the youngest at home is fun for the older kids...

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...