Sunday, November 28, 2010


Loving the SnOw!

Mr. Snowman was mainly Willem's project. But we all
pitched in a bit!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010!

Abby and Kendal

Mindy and Rick's family

Vance and Rick on firewood duty ;)

Kendal Grace

Abby Jo --- she is sooo good with Hazel and Kendal.
Hazel had a temp yesterday and was feeling cuddly.
Abby is always a good cuddler.

These silly three played and played footbal!  LOTS of cousin
fun went on yesterday!!

Kendal and her big bro

I think this pic of Kendal and her mama is so cute.

The cousin fun was a highlight for sure and our dinner was
SO delicous!! Thanksgiving 2010 at Vic's!

Today Vance is working in Spokane. The kids and I need
to grocery shop for our weekend and finish decorating for Christmas.

I am so thankful for family!!

More pics on my photography blog.
Even though it was 17 degrees, I got some fun family pics yesterday of Rick and Mindy and
John and Katie and their kids!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Fort Building and snowball fights...

A Snow Day meant having this eight year old home on a Tuesday!

Hazel thought she would help herself to a little dried fruit!
We all seemed pretty busy.

****I suggested to Willem we head out to the shed to get a tote of Christmas
decorations. We were on our way and noticed the shed door had quite a lot
of snow in front of it. It was sooooo cold outside and I suggested Will and I wait
to get the goodies. He couldn't wait! Decorating for Christmas is a favorite activity of his these
past couple of days. So, he plowed through the snow with his hands and legs and we got in! :)*****

Some sweet, handmade cards!

I really enjoy this hobby.
Check out my Etsy shop -- everyone needs cards around the holidays ;-)

Yesterday, our sweet boys got to play in the snow -- today it is so cold!
Negative 17 degrees!!
I have a hard time believing school is in session.
I need to get Merit out to the bus stop.... I am hearing reports of busses running late,
busses pulled over with their hazards on. It is very cold. I told Merit's sweet teacher
I would help out with their Thanksgiving feast today, but she sent me a message encouraging
me to stay home with Willem and Hazel. I will. Another cozy day inside. Vance's work has been
C-R-A-Z-Y, hopefully today will be better!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Chilly outside, cozy inside

We woke up to a little *** snow **** this morning.
The most excited person in our house was Willem!
So fun to see that wonder and excitement.
Willem is loving pre-school! Such a switch from
last year.
I love the friends he is making too. It is fun to see
his little friendship circle grow.
Merit went to two birthday parties over the weekend
and had a BALL!
Horsing around, havin fun

The temp might be 25 degrees, but Willem
still likes to drive the golf cart. I try to run behind. Warms my
body and forces me to get exercise on super chilly days!

Willem was so excited to help me start decorating for Christmas.
We decorated the cabin Saturday morning.

So thankful for this time of year!
Cozy time spent indoors, chilly temps outside, our health and family, the boys doing great in school,  hot cocoa, eggnog lattes,
baking, Christmas songs and the list goes on...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Catch Up

Hazel has been an early riser lately. She wakes up at about 5:30 or 6. If  I am in bed my 9:00 p.m., I don't mind this a bit but it I am up later, ugh. 5:30 seems so early, especially since it is still dark out. The guys are sleeping right now and Hazel keeps bringing me my sunglasses and her sunglasses. Yeah, let's wear our shades in our dark cold basement while the sun isn't even up yet! Cute, funny girl.
In my eight years of parenting something has recently happened that has never happened before. I have a little one who likes to carry around a doll and bring her to me. I find this to be so new, so fun, so beautiful.
Willem would play pretend with me ALL day long, if it weren't for the dishes, laundry, mopping, organizing etc that someone needs to do. So, we play - a lot - often while I am working too. His pretending is fabulous and very entertaining. He likes to play pirates, zoo keeper and lion, "friend"... it's pretty fun. And when we go for bike rides, our bikes are actually motorcylces and we are married, usually getting after our pretend kids! Whenever my boys have wanted to play house, they like to pretend they are the dad of the house or the teenage boy and they spend a lot of time putting the little boys in time out! Also, the pretend children BEG to go to work with their dad and the dad usually lets them! Hear that Vance? Your office could probably use a few energetic children running around. :)
My brother Phil called yesterday. Man, I wish I could see that guy more. Yesterday he had me laughing a lot. He isn't the biggest phone talker, but yesterday he was talkative and goofy. He was trying to stay warm in the cab of a gravel truck waiting for my dad so they could get to work. My dad has been hard on him lately, Phil takes it all in stride, but I have heard a few reports on this. People are pretty good about keeping the oldest sister in the know.
 Distance is a great thing and distance is a tough thing. And since it does exist between our family and most of our extended family, I think I need to focus on the great of it, and not the parts that are tough. I wish I could see family in Lynden more often (Natasha's Coronado gang, Cary's Girdwood fam), but when we do it is extra special and I love that. I am also glad it is a five hour drive to Lynden opposed to a flight. I look  forward to time with our family of five, my dad and my siblings and their families. Grandmas and extended family too... And because we are spread out a bit, these get togethers are that much sweeter. And although we don't ALL get together often with Vance's side, we look forward to the times we can. We just need to find more time to see Cary and Nate --  Vance's sister Cary and her husband Nate along with their four awesome girls were our vacation partners for a couple of years there and now life has just gotten a bit crazy.
Today's going to be fun! A photo shoot if it isn't too cold -- it isn't supposed to get above freezing for several days! Merit's got a party to attend at the gymnastics center, I am hoping to work on Christmas cards and enjoy lounging around.
The other day I was cleaning the laundry room and Willem was begging to play pirates. I told him if he helped me clean, we would get done that much quicker. He was such a good worker! This room is often times a MESS, so organization felt pretty good.

Mr. Willem seeing if I have finished my laundry so I can join him for some
pirate play!
Enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

pictures, updates and a winner!

Hazel is crazy about her dad and her dad is
crazy about her.

Willem swinging from a rope!

Willem LOVING Hazel Jane

The boys enjoy driving the golfcart out on these country paths! Here
is Will driving. He has become a pro and it is fun to go for nature cruises with him.

Vance and I went to see Merit's teacher yesterday for his parent/teacher conference.
He is doing so well! Above grade level, working hard, being a role model and
learning lots in second grade.
We are really proud of him. WAY TO GO MERIT.

I had a really fun photo shoot with the Jones family this afternoon!
Some favorites are on my photography blog.

And the winner for my give away is LESHA!!! Merit
 drew this evening! Congrats Lesha! Set 3 will be coming your way. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

give away

I just talked to Natasha. She sounded really good... and that little Estelle - adorable!! She will be posting pics on her blog (linked to mine) soon. I am so happy for their family and am so thankful to God for this precious girl!
My dear friend Kristen drove two hours to go to the hospital the night Estelle Hope was born. She had no idea where the hospital was, but was determined to go to offer support and prayers. Kristen is a prayer warrior, a dear friend and has been a huge support to Natasha through the past ten months. I loved my phone conversations with Kristen that day as we anxiously awaited any baby news. Thanks Kris for giving up sleep Saturday night to be there for Tash (and me).
Our sis Lesha is staying with Natasha, Reese and family now. I love it that she is there! I know she will be such a sweet help to all of them!!
I have been sick today. ugh. Barely out of bed and off the couch sick. Merit has been fabulous! He has late start on Mondays and I am not sure what I would have done without him this morning! He has helped me sooo much. It must have been a twelve hour thing, because I feel so much better now than I did a couple hours ago.
I mentioned a GIVE AWAY! So here goes....
Comment on this post and you will be entered. Let me know what your favorite set of cards is AND let me know your favorite Christmas recipe or Christmas song! I will draw for the winner Thursday.

set 1

set 2

set 3

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Last night Natasha and Reese had their baby girl!!

My sweet little niece is here!!
We are thanking God for her safe arrival.

Estelle Hope
November 13, 8:19 p.m.
8 lbs. 14 ounces
21 1/2 iches long

The only pics I've seen so far are from phones -- that is why this precious one is so tiny.
I absolutely love her name. She looks like Lane and Case. I am so excited for their family!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jansen kids, enjoying life, Etsy shop

Handsome eight year old, football fan, compassionate heart

Wild Will

My bike riding buddy!
Willem and I have enjoyed some great biking
and conversation lately. He is getting
so good on two wheels. We love riding
throught the desert.

 Hazel girl - sweet Hazel Jane - she brings us TONS of Joy. Hazel now loves to play that she is pretending to come to our house. She knocks on the door and we say "Hi Hazel, come in!" She then gets a big grin on her face. Willem loves to pretend to be a lion named Jakobi. When we are at the "zoo" otherwise known as the craftroom, Hazel loves to knock on the door. Again and again we welcome her in and watch our lion and his amazing tricks! Here she is knocking on our cabin door.

Uncle Matt's truck driving has brought him over here
a couple of recent weekends. We enjoy having him and
 he likes watching football with us, along with outdoor fun!

Kendal, Grandpa Vic and Hazel
on Halloween

I have been busy updating my Etsy shop!! I am excited about what I have
listed. FREE SHIPPING on all orders.
Here is a peak of some of what I have and will have soon.
If you want to view my shop, there is a link on my sidebar.
Check back Monday for a give away!!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...