Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jansen Kids

There is so much I want to blog about. Can you believe I did not get a picture on Halloween of our three in their costumes~! Shoot.
I have had lots of moments of missing my mom lately and feel like a "mom post" is in order, but those just can't be rushed. :) So I will have to do some thinking on that.
When I have a day of missing her and feeling a little blue, I can't believe how these
kids can cheer me up! They are a ball to be around! And here are my two boys playing
football. A game Merit LOVES to play and a game Willem will play, because it
means he gets to hang out with Merit.

Hazel's personality is sooo fun! She is such a sweet girl! I love her
cuddles, her silly expressions, her curious mind!

My photo shoots lately have been so fun!! I love it that
 God has blessed me with this hobby/business. It really feels good.
Check out my photography blog, linked to this one. I will
be posting lots of pictures there over the next few weeks.

I'll be back!!


Natasha said...

Love it! That little blondie Hazel is so cute!

April said...

Hazel with her tongue sticking out is precious! I know what you mean about missing your mom. Today is the 10-year anniversary of my mom's death. Sure do miss her bunches!

Anonymous said...

Your family is beautiful, and your blog is so fun! I discovered your blog when I did a google search to see where my blog is--our last name is Jansen too! Have a great day!


Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...