Friday, October 1, 2010

I LOVE listening to the songs our boys come home singing! These are songs that they have learned at school that have catchy tunes and make me smile! Hazel likes to dance to them. :) This week we have been singing about the letter C (Willem's letter of the week at Happy Hearts). And we have been singing about Butterflies. Merit is studying butterflies in his classroom. The vocabulary words he is coming home with are so impressive. I love hearing the definitions. Also, they have caterpillars in their classroom!
Well, fall is officially here but this weather is warm and beautiful!! Yesterday we took the boat out. It was 80 + degrees. It was fun to be out on the water. The boys fished for a little while, but we didn't catch anything this time. We ordered Woody Burgers and ate them on the dock and dipped our crinkle fries in fry sauce -- yum!  It is fun to enjoy these warm, fall days.
Tonight Merit had a soccer game. They played awesome! It was really fun. AND Papa Stan and Gramma Adie were here to watch it.
They are staying with us tonight. So I am going to run...
I'll be back with some fun pictures sometime this weekend.
More soon!! Michele


Katie said...

I love reading your blog. You always post such fun little posts about your family and what you guys are up to. What a fun life!

You were on my mind a lot today...just wanted to let you know that. Would love to get together soon for a coffee or lunch or playdate with kids. I know you're super busy too. Maybe we'll give ourselves a couple of months to plan it :)

Have a great weekend!

Kelley Gubler said...

so funny! paige is always singing the songs too, but she prefers to not have an audience so i always have to act like i can't see or hear her :)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...