Tuesday, October 12, 2010

for the birds

 Hazel, Willem and I headed down to the cabin after lunch today. The weather is beautiful and I thought it would be fun to get a few shots of Hazel. I want to work on her one year pictures this week. She will be one on the 21st!! When we arrived at the cabin, Willem noticed there was a trapped woodpecker inside the wood stove. We called Vance to ask advice on how he thought we should try to get it out. He suggested we open the stove door, open both man doors, at that point he was pretty sure it would fly right out. Willem told me this was a job for him and that Hazel and I should just wait outside the cabin! He was man in charge on this little mission and I found it to be SO fun to snap pictures of him while waiting out on the deck.

yeah,  he felt a little freaked out
So then we wondered, why isn't he flying out? Willem grabbed the end of the mop to see
if he could be coaxed.

He did fly out. It was very startling!! Yes, we were expecting it, but he seemed large in this tiny cabin.
And, he didn't fly out - of the cabin. He headed over to our candy dish and jars of buttons...

I went around the the outside of the window and tried to shoo
the woodpecker away. Hoping it would head for an open door.
We heard some "knocking" and Willem said "I think he is pecking!
Do you see his pecker?" I had a hard time staying upright. This whole
rescue mission had me laughing my head off.

I started getting loud and making large get out of here gestures with my hands.
But, he found a different, more lovely perch.

Hazel was so ready for a nap at this point, so we got her up to the house, gave her a little snack and to my amazement she fell asleep in her highchair!! I don't think our children have ever done this before. Once we laid her down, Will and I checked to see if the woodpecker had flown away - and he had!

Each day is an adventure. And I love hanging out with these kids!

October is such a fun month!!! Autumn colors, two birthdays in our family, football,  Halloween, soccer - we are enjoying it.

Merit is so, so excited for his birthday Thursday! We will have an eight year old in the house!


Natasha said...

This is hilarious! Willem and all his wisdom and "willemisms!" I need a Willem around here to rescue me from any birds that might come my way. I've never seen a woodpecker that close up before, I guess it is kind of pretty :)

Alisa said...

Oh my word! I'm laughing my head off! I have actually had a similar encounter with a Robin when I was a Nanny! What a fun and cute day you had. Willem is such a cutie-pie. He really reminds me of my little 'Lij. I love that you captured all this on film.:) BTW-fun seeing you for a minute yesterday...

Leah said...

The pecker line had me rolling! You can't pay for moments like those. I can tell you treasure them wholeheartedly Michele.

The Price Family said...


April said...

That is too funny, Michele! Your pictures really brought the story to life!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Glad the bird was finally able to find it's way out!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...