Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sharing more pictures and memories from last weekend

More of Birch Bay
I loved watching Lane and Willem play there.

The Hovander House!
When I was young and would visit Hovander I dreamed of living in this house. They
offer tours on the weekends and it is gorgeous inside.

Me and Kristen
Kristen lives in California so for us both to be in the Lynden area the same
weekend was really special. Kristen has blessed us by her support and love.

Grandma's 90th at Berthusen Park
I can hardly believe my Grandma Dorothy is 90. What a remarkable, smart
woman she is. Here she is with her grandchildren.

Grandma Dorothy with her great grandchildren
She has more great grandchildren than she does grandkids.
It was fun to see all these little ones! 12 of them are 4 and under.
When the group gathered for this picture, I felt the sadness of my nephew
Case not being there to sit on his big brother Lane's lap. But because Lane is
so good with babies, he held his cousin Jackson instead.
I once again witnessed Natasha's bravery and faith and thanked God for her smile.

Avery, Jake, Amara and Brielle peeking in an old barn


Jodi said...

I was at Hovander and Birch Bay this past week. To bad we didn't run into eachother:) LOve your pics of those places!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I can see why you would have wanted to live in that house. It's gorgeous! That's so wonderful that your Grandmother has been blessed with 90 years of life. She looks great!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...