Monday, July 5, 2010

July Happenings

For several years, our boys thought bagels were donuts. This was something I simply could not correct. While shopping at Safeway, they would ask "can we pick a donut?!" I would answer "Sure, whole grain, raisin cinnamon or asiago cheese?"
During this past school year, Merit's teacher (Mrs. Hall - knowledgable, wonderful, energetic) treated the children who returned their homework - to donuts. Merit came home that Friday afternoon so excited!
He said "I ate a caramel donut today and it was SOO good!" I wasn't sure what a caramel donut was, but later discovered it is otherwise known as a maple bar. Since that day, bagels are bagels and donuts are donuts and today Merit requested a caramel donut as I left for Safeway. Kids are funny.
A part of me wants to freeze the sweetness, curiousity and cuddle bunny I see in Hazel Jane. She is SUCH a sweetie! Willem and Merit adore her, in fact Willem plays with her so much it is such a sweet help to me.
Our 4th of July was great, but our 3rd of July was even better. The weather was perfect on the third and we blew off our fireworks that night. The kids loved it!! Vance took the boys golfing yesterday. That was a highlight.
Sharing our life...


We are crazy about Rudy. She has taken good care of
all of our babies. What a sweet old dog she is.

Uncle Matt visits
I love love being with my brothers and sisters. Why?
 1) Because they are fun, funny and easy to get along with.
2) Each of them reminds me a little bit of my mom, each in a different, wonderful way.

Firework Fun

Our three
Wrestling boys, who often end up fighting... Hazel Jane watches,
entertained and content.


Katie said...

Love your pictures!!! Hazel and the red chair is precious. And the wrestling boys looks familiar...

Anonymous said...

That's too funny about the bagel/donut confusion! Love the pictures! Glad that you had a fun holiday!

Leah said...

Sounds like a wonderful holiday weekend! Great firework/sparkler pictures but I think my favorite is the last one with your boys (being boys) and Hazel playing contently. You are blessed Michele!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...