Saturday, October 10, 2009

a little nesting, while waiting, waiting and praying on Baby J

A salvaged desktop :) Our brother and sister in law were moving and Vance offered to take some things to the dump for them. I am a trash to treasure kind of girl and we have a laundry room desk that could use some extra storage. The neighbor boy and Merit helped me carry this desktop in. Kind of fun :)

My craftroom is never my most organized space but I have been working on it a bit lately and making a few cards while waiting...

Waiting on Baby J

The little blessing we have been eager to meet. This picture is from an ultrasound taken much earlier in the pregnancy... but isn't she sweet??

We don't really have a game plan at this point. My midwife/np had two reasons for my induction: to get enough antibiotics in me because I am postive for group B strep and she hoped I could deliver a smaller baby this time -- healthy size but not huge.
WELL, with a failed induction I am not really wanting to be induced again. When I was induced the first time with Will it also didn't take but ten days later I was induced again and it did -- but again a slow process.
I go in for a doc appt Monday -- I hope I am progressing! Then I just hope I go into labor next week. But I know it isn't about my timing... God knows when this little girl is going to come and I have to be patient.
I have been SO blessed by friends and family while waiting!! So many thoughts and prayers and offers to help. I am humbled by all of the giving!


Natasha said...

I love all your organized rooms! That craft room just calls my name! Makes me want to go in and organize my craft "table" I am glad you have such a great attitude about when baby J is coming.

Anonymous said...

That is one cute desktop! I hope you get good news today!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...