Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday afternoon post

Merit! I can't believe this guy is almost done with kindergarten! What a fun year it has been.

a butterfly on my finger!
Everyone loves fresh basil

Bright and fun
We have had some fun, crazy weather. Thunder and lightning off and on for three days and mini rain storms. It has been really pretty.
Today we went to Doolittle Park -- I'll post some pics of that soon. We were there about an hour and when we left, Willem's eyes really starting acting up. He was rubbing them and soon they were red and puffy... the tears came and he was miserable! I think it is allergies acting up. When we left the park we walked a distance through tall grass with dandelions. I am paying very close attention to what is triggering these eye things. Today it was both eyes, in the past it has been much more his left eye.


Natasha said...

Those pictures are great! Poor Willem! Hope you can get to the bottom of this soon.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Merit for his near completion with kindergarten.

Beautiful pictures!

Praying that Willem feels better soon!

April said...

Beautiful pictures...your little boy is growing up (sniff, sniff). Hope and pray that Willem gets some relief SOON!

Daphine said...

Great pictures! Seems like just yesterday that my girls were in Kindergarten! It passes so quickly....

Hope Willem gets to feeling better soon!

Cheers to 2025!

 Life is cruising right along.  Through 2024 I realized I was following behind in the technology world. There seemed to be no way for to ade...