Wednesday, June 10, 2009

5,4,3,2,1 Let the LAZY DAYS of summer begin

TODAY is Merit's last day of school. TONIGHT is his kindergarten graduation.
WHERE did this year go? Merit has had a great year! A year of learning and discovery and a year of choosing the RIGHT. I have been impressed with the kind, respectful boy I see. His teachers have told me that he is a good example and a good leader. Thank God.
I LOVE summer. I am soo excited to play "store" on the front yard with my boys, to go for hikes, to go fishing, to pick flowers, to have our own monster truck shows and to PLAY at the waterpark with friends.
I want this summer to be about making memories, loving life and remembering to thank God for the simple pleasures.
Willem's eye/s have me worried. But this issue is also a reminder that our health is precious and I should never take for granted the health of my family. I think he has allergies acting up and I think that it isn't a Horner's Syndrome issue -- but further testing and Drs visits (and prayers) will help us discover more.
I will be finished with my college classes by June 30th~ I will be so excited to have these out of the way, even though it is very fun to freshen up on ed courses. Some of the current research I have done on the art of storytelling and reading/writing workshops I can apply to my boys this summer.
My dad is having a minor procedure done on Friday the 12th to remove a lump from his arm. He does not sound worried about this. ( I HOPE he doesn't care that I am blabbing about this on my blog!) He did tell me that he is supposed to take it easy for the three days following the surgery. On the 19th we will meet up with my family and will spend time that weekend relaxing and playing! I asked my dad if he could possibly hold off the surgery till that Friday so that he could just relax -- he plans to be away from work then anyway, so maybe a good time to recover. He said he considered that, but wanted to be able to wrestle and play with his grandkids so thought that wouldn't be the best idea. I LOVE it that he is prioritizing playing with his grandkids over running equipment and shoveling gravel!
so, don't forget that age-long saying that says something like, "when all is said and done and my time here is over, they won't remember how clean the house was or how much we had in our savings, what they will remember are the times we shared!"


April said...

Enjoy your summer with your kiddos and family! You are so's all about making memories! They sure grow up fast, don't they! I love your new layout!

Anonymous said...

Time does go by fast! Congrats to Merit on his kindergarten graduation!

Praying for both your Dad & Willem!

Natasha said...

Can't believe schools out already! Today is our last day. Just think before they go back to school I will have a newborn! I am looking forward to seeing you guys for a weekend of fun and making memories!

Maria said...

Thanks for this little reminder...that time is precious!
I will pray for your dad and Willem.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...