Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

Some soccer pics. Merit was on the "green team" - the Earthquakes.

His team! His coach was Kelly Wemp and she was great!

Serious Merit... we don't see the serious side of Merit that often, but when he is out on the soccer field, he means business! Vance and I so enjoyed watching him play!

Merit's buddy Crosby

Yay Merit!

There hasn't been a lot of spare time for card making, but I am sure to grab the opportunity when I can! One of these three sets will be a give away later this week!


Daphine said...

Happy Easter!
Love the soccer pics. Merit is such a cutie! Yep, he's looking a bit serious in the one shot. lol!

I used one of my cards that you sent me not too long ago. Too bad that I couldn't take the credit for making it though. You certainly have a talent for them.

Have a great week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Merit is just a cutie! It looks like he really loves playing soccer. The pictures you took are great.

I hope you & your family had a wonderful Easter!

Anonymous said...

These are great! Merit looks so grown up in his soccer uniform!

April said...

Hope you had a Happy Easter, Michele! All of your pictures are great...Merit is definitely going to be a heart-breaker one day! He's a doll!

I love those cards you made!

Anonymous said...

Great soccer pics! I can't wait till Malachi can play!

theSNAPsisters said...

soccer -those were the days:) I know-Greta is beautiful. Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well.

Natasha said...

Lane loved Merit's soccer pictures! He is really into sports these days. Lovin' your cards too!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...