Sunday, April 5, 2009

Autumn, Malachi and Ethan

Autumn's belly is growing and beautiful. Malachi and Ethan anticipate being big brothers to a baby girl. Having them here made me that much more excited for our addition. :)

My dear friend Lissa had a BABY GIRL on March 31st!! Greta T. is her name-- Lissa has emailed several pictures and Greta is BEAUTIFUL! This is Lissa and Trav's 3rd girl! I am excited to meet this darling baby girl!
I spent yesterday with my sister in law Katie who will have a baby girl the end of this month.
Kris, Katie and I went to a baby shower for Katie in Royal City while Vance, our boys' grandpa, Vic, Vance's brother John, our two boys and John and Katie's son Fischer hung out at Grandpa Vic's. They had a fun "guys day!" That evening Katie, Kris and I joined the gang for a prime rib dinner at Vic's.
Today the weather is beautiful! I just got home from church and now we will play and work in the yard. Enjoy your Sunday... and your week... more soon.


Tami said...



Anonymous said...

Those pictures are great! I have always loved pregnancy pictures!

Maria said...

cute pics, what fun! It must be spring with all the little babies coming...I just went to a baby shower on Sat. also. :)

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Congratulations-I added you to my list as requested...

Tami said...

I think I heard that somebody is having a Birthday!!! If so Happy Birthday Michele!


theSNAPsisters said...

Greta is soooo..cute. Hope you get to meet her soon:)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...