Life can get crazy...this morning I just need to take some quiet time to reflect.
The last few days have been busy, but wonderful. Vance and I are plugging away at getting this yard in order. We have had some serious spring clean up! Vance has tackled some big projects and I appreciate his work.
My photography is picking up again -- it is something I do April through November. It is wonderful to get back into it.
We had an extra little one -- two year old Jocelynne here for two days. She was a JOY and a blessing and I loved the way our boys welcomed her into our home. Her soft, gentle spirit was such a gift. I put myself in total "kid mode" Thursday afternoon and I think my boys and our little house guest appreciated this.
Yesterday afternoon we had some cousins from Benton City visit. It felt good to connect with family.
Last night Vance and I had a date -- We ate at Basalts in Ephrata and then went to a play in Soap Lake at the inviting little theatre there. We saw On Golden Pond and it was so well done.

This morning we are having some pipe issues under our kitchen sink. Vance is trying to address that now.
I am reminded daily that GOD is so good and there is so much beauty, life and blessings that surround me.
Our boys are healthy and full of energy. Although I want to collapse on the couch many evenings at 7:30, I do love this energy!
I am blessed by FRIENDS! And my dear friends children.
I am so grateful for this NEW LIFE growing inside of me!
Today I need to slow down a bit and appreciate the beauty and goodness that surrounds me.