Monday, September 15, 2008

Painter of the family

Like it or not, I am the painter in the family. It all started when Vance and I built our first house. The home was beautiful, the rooms roomy and comfortable... all they seemed to be lacking was color. I started small scale, I decided to paint the half bath. After four coats of different browns and many hours taping and painting I had pretty much accomplished what I had hoped. But it took a while and the bathroom was "under construction" for a week. I then did another bathroom, a very cheery yellow. That room didn't take as long... I did one room of our bedroom and lastly I did a guest bedroom.... I was FINALLY getting the hang of it. And then we moved. We moved to a 1970s fixer upper in Boardman, OR with orange shag carpet and very dingy walls. We replaced the shag and painted EVERY room of the house. I painted every room of the house (with my dear friend Lissa's help). By the end of that I was sick of painting. We lived there for three years, then back to Moses Lake to a rental and now our current home. I have done some painting of rooms here -- and have had help from Lucy -- but what I really like are small projects - a distressed table, a bar stool, a fun old chair.

Last week we started on a scrap lumber dock. Vance used all old lumber from our deck, which was replaced with Trek decking and we have this fun place to sit, visit and fish on Crab Creek. But you know what it needed? A paint job. I recruited Merit to help me and this recycled dock is now a peaceful haven with a fresh coat of paint. And now maybe we have two painters in the family.


Natasha said...

I love the dock. Can't wait to come spend some time out on it (hopefully next summer!) I agree I like the smaller painting projects, but I also do love color on the walls!

Jessica said...

How fun! Can't wait to see the new dock. We need to get together some time soon. Also, I want to talk to you about doing our annual fall pics. Miss you!!!

Maria said...

I have to say...I don't mind painting. It may have something to do with the fact that this is the first house I have painted by myself. And yes, I am also the "painter" in our family. However, my dad was a prof. painter before we went to Brazil and every house we moved in to we always had to paint first. I believe we did at least 6 or 7 houses growing up. I always love standing back and looking at a freshly painted room and admiring how different it looks. Can't wait to see your new dock. I'm sure it will be lots of fun to enjoy these last days of summer.

Katie said...

I love reading your blog and looking at your beautiful pictures. You're so talented! I too enjoy "fixing" old stuff up, isn't it so much fun when you get it done and all for just a few bucks??? Wished we had some thrift stores in Royal?!?!

Also, let me know how the on-line classes go for you. I need to do this as well so I don't lose my certificate!!! Would hate to do that :(


Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...