Saturday, July 19, 2008

Senior Center

Have you walked into a Senior Center Thrift Store lately? Let me describe to you the sights, sounds and blessings we receive there. I am a book lover. Hardbacks are 50 cents, paperbacks 25 cents. What a fun treat to take my boys to the Senior Center Thrift Store and tell them they may each choose a book. When walking into the store, I smell old books, musty clothes and homemade soup. The center is connected to the store. There is always an elderly person working the regisiter, happy to see two energetic little boys and pleased to hear the pitter patter of their feet throughout the store. Yesterdays bargains were old childrens books, a few stoneware mugs, some bright fun cloth napkins and some old glass medicine bottles. Sometimes there are fun cabinets and chairs too. This old cabinet I purchased some time ago, but just this week painted it white and sanded the edges. When I think of the elderly in our community, I feel a longing to support them. Man, I feel so thankful and happy when I walk into that thrift store. I love how the loud noises and big smiles on my boys' faces are welcomed by the people working there. I'm happy that when I purchase something there the money goes towards a great cause. One of my goals during the second half of 2008 is to bless the elderly in our community.


Natasha said...

That cabinet looks great! And the brightly colored napkins, are those the ones you got at the senior center? Looks fun!

michele said...

Yes, those are the napkins I got at the Senior Center! Four for $1.50~ Your curtains look great! I commented on your blog as well.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...