Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Today was wild! But good! 

Vance is in Mexico. Nellie is Vance's sidekick! I mean she goes everywhere with him. 

So, I was leaving for work at 8:20 and knew that Oren and I could not leave this sweet dog behind. We loaded her up. She likes riding, she is a good passenger. 

I ran her home right after I dropped the 4th graders off at Music. 

I ran home to check on her at lunch and had a bowl of Lucky Charms. She is doing okay, Nellie is. She just misses Vance.

Merit leaves tomorrow morning at 4:30 am for Boise. He and the other baseball players who made the travel squad play Friday - one game - two games Saturday - one game Sunday. They stick around for the Super Bowl and don't fly home until Monday. 

When he told me he was happy, but I had to remind him that if I would have told him during his senior year of high school about this weekend --- this coming weekend that he has ahead, he would have been ecstatic! #thesearethedays

I would love to go to Boise and watch these games, but Senior Night for Willem is Saturday - which will also be fantastic! 

Teaching 4th grade today was great! 

Fun kids and good learning -

We ran several errands after school and I picked up Pizza Hut for dinner. 

Headed to bed soon. 


 two of my favorites! 

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Chilly days, good days

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