Thursday, January 11, 2024



It sure feels like winter around here! 

 I am super behind.

I have lots of photos to upload, organization projects and items to price for consignment. The good thing is, I teach tomorrow and then not again till next week Thursday, so I have time! Thank a teacher! Teaching full time is a heap of work.

We spent a few days in Idaho at Schweitzer. Willem learned to snow board in Idaho and Oren learned to ski. Aunt Cary, Uncle Nate, and Cousin Hannah helped O so much. Willem and Oren both loved it. Time with family there was good.

The cheer competition last Saturday was amazing! What a great deal of hard work! The squads had so much energy, a lot of talent. Hazel and the Columbia Red Hawk cheer squad were so good! Being in that Maverick main gym, full, was a really special energy. I LOVE OUR PEOPLE.

Willem played in Yakima both Friday and Saturday night. I made the Saturday night game. I also have pictures of that game to post. 

The Favored Farmhouse is about to get some REALLY cute gently used kids' clothes! I need to price those today! I am so excited about these recent finds. 

I purchased a used desk with a bookcase on top. It is a 7 foot tall piece of furniture! Hazel Jane, my friend Sara, and I got that loaded yesterday! I treated myself to it after helping myself part with a whole bunch of old kids' papers, crafting supplies I was not using, and clothes the kids have outgrown. I am a SAVER, a PACK RAT! I know so many minimalists and  I wonder how these people tolerate me! lol 

So, my goal was to get rid of A LOT! And I got rid of some. More than a little, but not close to a lot. It is a struggle for me. I spent 2 1/2 hours yesterday just filling a donation bag and two garbage bags. It is a process. I am not quick, not at all. When I see pictures of my mom, I get lost for a little bit. Especially if there are items in the scene, or people in the scene, who bring me back to a feeling.... it's hard to explain. Our family has had a lot of hardship without her. 

I have more cards to make for buyers! This little card gig has been so much fun! 

We are looking at temps in the teens, maybe single digits. Snow possibly soon. 

Vance will plow if need be and help keep our animals comfortable. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...