Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Good isn't easy

 We have had a challenging two weeks. My sister Natasha is dealing with a skin rash that is breaking my heart. Her legs are raw. I can't begin to understand why God allows so much pain and heartache in this girl's life. I saw her last weekend and it was overwhelming. She navigates this with grace and a patience that is truly unreal to me. It is beautiful.  I right away sent a prayer request to Positive Life Radio and I asked seven girlfriends to pray. 

Let me focus on the positive. Her new heart is good. 

Lesha has had a rough few weeks. There is hope in change and prayer matters. 

Merit has been faced with so many challenges. When I tell the fifth graders about him I can hear a pin drop. They are so interested in his adventures, hard times, the way he navigates it. I shared that with Merit last night. 

The thing about Merit is he rarely complains. But a mom knows. I also know those California beaches offer some therapy and I know Merit will meet great people, some things just take a little time. Baseball is going well. 

These fifth graders have my heart. I laugh, I nearly cry. Their learning is so, so cool. I lay awake teaching math lessons in my head. And I hurt for those who go home to a house with hardship.

I need to up my game in the classroom management arena and I am working at it. I also need to keep these kids engaged when the math is hard. I hope every single one of them knows that I care about their learning and I just plain care about them.

And in the heavy STUFF, I want to surround myself with people who speak kindly to me. But even more importantly, I want to be kind to people. This world is so heavy. I do want to be a light. Speaking of lights, OPJ IS a light! 

I read this a few weeks ago and good or bad, I repeat it five maybe ten times a day. 

People who love you want more FOR you, Not more FROM you. 

And sometimes you live with people or have a parent or sibling that does not take on this mantra, But whether they do or don't, you can. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...