Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Angels among us

 Three little boys live not far from here, two are brothers and the oldest is a third grader. We see them about four times a week. We talk to them twice a week, maybe a bit less now that the weather is colder but we still get to check in on them in small ways. The oldest, when we are driving, motions for us to roll our window down. He always asks "how are you guys today?"

They LOVE talking to Merit and Willem. They run to the corner of their fence, huge smiles, all three of them!! Dirty faces, dirty clothes, sweet smiles, they ask us about us as much as we ask them about them. 

I did not understand why the third grader was not back at school. Through my observations, he would benefit from the kindness, warmth and learning at school. And he, like many others, would benefit from breakfast and lunch there. But I learned he sometimes cares for the two little boys - not yet school aged - so he needs to be home most days. 

There are so many situations out there that tug at my heart strings. 

What I love is that we can drop little surprises off at the fence line. We try not to be seen. 


Merit thought he may have met an angel yesterday at McCosh. 

Merit has looked so very forward to senior year basketball season. I am praying they get one. He has been faithful with basketball drills since last basketball season. Vance tired of the dribbling and feared the neighbors did too - so Merit took his drills and dribbling to town. He has played at probably 8 courts over the seven months. We find ourselves really grateful for all these courts throughout our town. My friend Shannon and I went walking for an hour yesterday and we happened to see Merit and his car at a basketball court in town. I am blessed that she too sees his dedication and work ethic. 

I arrived home thirty minutes later and Merit was also home. He told me he met the greatest old man at McCosh! He said he had the nicest visit with him. He said he felt like God placed him there. 

I am so thankful for all the blessings God places in front of us. And many Decembers I think I was too busy and rushed to notice them. This December I feel like the pace is much slower. I really miss Christmas concerts, church programs, and basketball. Covid is so exhausting - whether you had it, have it, or haven't - it is exhausting. And I think all of us have an extra strain and extra concerns. I miss a lot of the normal. But I do believe the slower pace can be a gift. And it is on the days that I choose to view it as one. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...