Thursday, December 31, 2020

Garbanzo Beans

 Garbanzo beans (chick peas) are a great source of fiber! Protein too! And they can improve digestion and aid in weight management. 

Besides eating chickpeas, you can also cleanse your face with them. Smash chickpeas into a paste, combine with turmeric and apply the mix onto your face for 15 minutes, wash it off with cold water- you will brighten your skin! And reduce age spots. 

They strengthen bones, are good for your heart, and protect eye health. 

I make chick pea salads and no one in my family likes them. Vance and Merit will take a spoonful but they admitted last night they are not big fans. I wondered last night why I continue to include garbanzo beans in my life. 

The three or so years before my mom died she found the health benefits in garbanzo beans. She ate them often. A few summers ago some of my siblings were here and I made a garbanzo bean salad. One or more of them said "garbanzo beans always remind me of mom!" 

And this, is why I make them.

There is something really hard about the last picture, the last memory, the last meal, the last salad, the last hug.

My kids know my mom had candy machines in Lynden businesses, she would buy candy in bulk at Costco, fill the machines regularly, and collect the money. They never saw one of this variety in a store. They know about them because I shared the memory. They asked if there are any of those candy machines left. I told them my dad has one or two at his place. They asked if we could maybe get one for the shop we are building. 

My kids don't like garbanzo beans, but they know that I do and that my mom did. 

My kids have heard stories about my Grandma Alma and my mom making almond sticks at Christmas time, Evie playing on the record player, the cozy sights of Christmas, and a row of almond sticks on the kitchen counter.

They know her faith was strong. 

They know she believed in the power of prayer.

2020 made me thankful my mom's home is heaven.

Not that I do not want her here. Of course I do. 

Many lives are more lonesome without her. 

She shared love, kindness, and laughter. 

She made great pies and garbanzo bean salads. 

She loved deeply.

But the hurts of this world, I suppose they have been exemplified in 2020.

Cheers to 2021, to chick peas, candy machines, almond sticks, memories, and dinners together.

Prayers for normalcy for our kids, especially our teens.

Prayers for our elderly. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 Wow this snow is fun!

And we do not have to go anywhere today!

Good sledding or kayaking! 

And then inside for games, hot cocoa, veggies, chips and ranch... maybe a spooky movie!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020 is on its way out...

has been so hard and so good. 
The quiet and quarantine of March through June was welcomed. 
One of the few things we really missed during that time was baseball. 
The days were getting longer and spring was in the air. 
It was a great time to be gardening, fishing, home, in the yard...
Our four kids bonded in a huge way (my greatest quarantine gift)
But now the lack of normalcy does feel more difficult and not having normal school, sports, etc feels tough. 

We have known some people who have really struggled with this virus. 

We read more in 2020 
We wrote more letters
We missed friends
We missed sporting events
We baked and cooked more
We played more card games
The older boys and I did so much bike riding
We had more important conversations
We purchased the property next to us

We enjoyed our time in Lynden over Christmas and felt connected to our family.

2020 is on its way out. 
Merit graduates this spring. 
That feels and looks different than it did a year ago.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas in Lynden , Washington

We just loved our time with family and friends. 
We were at Tasha and Reese's Christmas Eve!

We spent Christmas Eve day with Lissa, Trav, and girls. 


Christmas in Lynden was terrific. 

Great weather for travel which is a huge blessing! And snow on the ground when we got there!! 

Stan and Adie's Christmas Day

 More pictures to come...

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas Spirit is in the Air!

 Phil headed home this morning but not before making some fun memories and boosting the spirits over here.

Oren and I went shopping today. Just the two of us. That was special and fun and the things he talks about, I just love. 

He really used to like going to the museum. They have primarily been closed since Covid. He voiced his frustration with this, passionately. He would have been a little more quiet has his siblings been in the car. :-)

He is excited about little things and his enthusiasm is contagious.

Hazel and Oren's gingerbread houses 

Hazel gets all crafty and creative.

Banana bread is in the oven!

Our elf brought us two collectible Sears trucks! Oren plays with them for hours every day! Here is one. 


Friday, December 18, 2020

Goofy, silly, having fun * Memories in the Making*

Merit and Ish

I love their friendship.

Some days just bring you smiles, laughter, the appreciation of family and good friends.

A visit from Phillip and from Baer in the same 24 hours! We felt like we won the lotto. 

Sometimes we receive blessings that we never even imagined could be as good as they are! 

My brothers' relationships with my kids are one of those. 


Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...