Monday, August 17, 2020

Summer lovin'

I love our sunflowers! I love country living! 

Tonight's sunset! 


I had my big boys clear weeds out of the garden and snap peas that were delicious but now are dead and done. Willem tore out cilantro too. It had all gone to seed. I made a lot of good pico and ceviche with that cilantro and it was a great addition to our tacos too! I will plant a new row tomorrow. 

We picked raspberries today. I would love to freeze some but the kids love to eat them fresh! So, for this picking we will just enjoy them now.

August has always been a month with some anxiety for me. This August looks so much different than the previous ones.  We do not start school until September 9th. We are oh so hoping to go back. The good thing is, August does not feel rushed and busy as those previous. All the fairs are canceled. Instead of starting school the end of August we have an extra two weeks and we just have more days for local exploring, walks, hikes, bike rides, and creek fun. This is a blessing. But I am a little nervous about school, Covid, and what is to come. 

I am praying for those who are making decisions involving our upcoming school year. I love our district and our teachers! I hope we can have some normalcy. 

Merit and Willem had a very short baseball season. That has come and gone. 

Maybe fall ball is in our future. 

Today was a good day. Raspberry picking was fun. Willem and I delivered fun surprises to several friends. We had pizza for dinner. And now it is time for my book and for bed. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...