Thursday, August 27, 2020
More of our weekend away...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Matt and B!
What an amazing day!
"The C's" - a cousin band!
Monday, August 17, 2020
Summer lovin'
I love our sunflowers! I love country living!
Tonight's sunset!
I had my big boys clear weeds out of the garden and snap peas that were delicious but now are dead and done. Willem tore out cilantro too. It had all gone to seed. I made a lot of good pico and ceviche with that cilantro and it was a great addition to our tacos too! I will plant a new row tomorrow.
We picked raspberries today. I would love to freeze some but the kids love to eat them fresh! So, for this picking we will just enjoy them now.
August has always been a month with some anxiety for me. This August looks so much different than the previous ones. We do not start school until September 9th. We are oh so hoping to go back. The good thing is, August does not feel rushed and busy as those previous. All the fairs are canceled. Instead of starting school the end of August we have an extra two weeks and we just have more days for local exploring, walks, hikes, bike rides, and creek fun. This is a blessing. But I am a little nervous about school, Covid, and what is to come.
I am praying for those who are making decisions involving our upcoming school year. I love our district and our teachers! I hope we can have some normalcy.
Merit and Willem had a very short baseball season. That has come and gone.
Maybe fall ball is in our future.
Today was a good day. Raspberry picking was fun. Willem and I delivered fun surprises to several friends. We had pizza for dinner. And now it is time for my book and for bed.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Covid and the new school year
Our health department is recommending no in person instruction for this fall. Covid cases are higher than they "should be." Although we certainly appreciate this recommendation, there are so many factors to consider.
Kids need kids.
Problem solving with peers, social cooperation and learning, and play is important to the development of our children.
Many of my friends are teachers and once we moved to online, remote learning some of the kids that the teachers were most concerned about sort of fell off the map.
I know so many kids that need the safety of six hours of school per day. Those who qualify, need that free breakfast and lunch. I know some of you will disagree with me on this. Some say it is the parent's responsibility. And it it is, but as we surely know it is all not that simple.
One example of a family
Children were pulled from their home a time back do to neglect. The parents were not abusive and they love these kids but resources and possibly the inability to make proper decisions, caused the kids to struggle with neglect.
CPS was involved. Our community provided tools to help these parents parent better. I am sure our school counselor checked on these kids regularly. Our family ended up getting in touch with the foster family who took these kids for a couple of months. We met them for pizza and tried to offer some support.
As time when on, these children were placed back in their home with their parents. Their school teachers checked in on their situation regularly. They provided love, care, and learning. Their school counselor helped in all ways possible.
When children from similar situations are not in school, we do not know how they are fairing. Also, our counselors are there to help these kids and parents, but when we are not in session, the help is less.
We picked up a little girl this summer to come and play. Her parents both work all day. She is a little bored and lonely at home. She told us that when we learned we were not going back to school in the spring, she cried. She nearly cried telling us. She loves school.
Back in March, when everything moved to remote, I was excited to teach. I love it! But Oren was not excited about learning from me. He was a good sport and we made some good memories, but we also had mornings of wanting to pull our hair out and he really missed his peers and his teacher. Extra time outdoors was a sweet bonus, we have space to run - not all kids do. Our fourth grader did well. Our eighth grader procrastinated. He is so very smart but staying on a healthy timeline was tricky. The last 72 hours of the "school year" were spent in front of his chrome book at our dining room table. Our Junior missed his friends and his classes and his awesome teachers.
What if kids get sick? What if impoverished kids get sick? What if an elderly teacher gets sick? These are valid concerns.
Health and Safety - it is being looked at from every angle.
Some of my friends have decided to home school! I love this! If it works for their family, this is a really cool thing.
One of my closest friends, her kids will be doing remote learning. It works for their family.
The majority of the parents I am visiting with want their kids back in school.
There are teams of people working together to try to make this in person instruction as safe and effective as possible. Thank you to Joshua Meek and many others.
Let't support them while they are doing this!
Less - what can you do for ME?
And more - what is the best big picture?
I appreciate that our district is in the process of offering three models
1) close to full time in person
2) part time in person, part time remote
3) remote learning
I envision as much outdoor learning as possible while the weather is nice. We know that there is so much less risk being outside.
Open windows and doors
Hand washing
Grace upon grace
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Crab Creek, horse love, talking back to school
Our dear friend Marilyn has four horses.
We have known Sky and Sunny for two years, maybe three.
Scooby and Sable are new to her pasture and they bring an energy that is wonderful and a bit intimidating.
Scooby is at a trainer's for a bit. Sable is living with Sky and Sunny in Marilyn's pasture. Hazel chooses to admire and observe Sable before standing right next to her, brushing, or riding her. This picture captures my horse loving, cautious girl.
Life along Crab Creek
Vance found a house plan that he thinks will work well for our family and fit very well on our land. We really want to take full advantage of the view.
We have had some sad news over the past weeks. A Moses Lake girl, Willem's age, who has stage four cancer.... concerns about family members... We are reminded to pray.
I am exercising more really needing that mental clarity. And the exercise does help me sleep better at night.
Please pray with me that these kids will go back to school! Our district is hoping to offer three models - remote learning - part time - and close to full time. Families can choose what is best for them.
Hazel and Oren will most likely do part time, being home schooled the remaining days of the week and Willem and Merit will hope to do close to full time. All of these decisions and the great deal of planning really makes me appreciate our district! But it causes some stress and anxiety too. This is uncharted territory.
I do know one thing, kids need kids. Learning with peers, solving problems, and socializing is a big deal.
The view we love. Our some day house will be on this bluff.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Chilly days, good days
7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...
This kid's hair had never been so long! He opted for a cut yesterday afternoon! He looks great!