Sunday, May 31, 2020

on the creek...

For several springs (and summers too) the baseball fields have been our favorite hang outs. 
Although we miss baseball, Crab Creek and the land around it has become a great place to spend many hours.

Gardening, kayaking, swimming, hiking and the list goes on. 

Last night's storm was a small portion of what they predicted, but it was a bit of a storm. 
We biked through the rain and ran through the rain.

We are to resume to a bit of a schedule this week, re-introducing baseball. And we only have a week and a half of school left.
I do not know what to think of all of this. 
Our positive Covid cases are rising again, with that comes concern.
Our small businesses and restaurants are re-opening  - I want to see them make money - our restaurants are opening at 50 percent capacity... but then with the last few days seeing cases rise it makes us wonder what the coming weeks may bring.

For many years I have blogged about personal life and our happenings. Never intending it to be a "highlight reel" but more of a highlight REAL - the thing is, there are just snippets of life's happenings we share. 

I have had a bit of a look into the struggles of households with all of the recent changes. 
No household is exempt. 

I am so pleased with how much these kids help each other.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...