Saturday, April 4, 2020


We are moving our ducklings into this coop today. They were in a tote, then a wagon, they are growing and love splashing. This will offer then more space. I hope they can figure out the little ramp they need to go up and down. 

Within ten days of being quarantined my sunglasses broke, my bra broke, and I could not get butter on my online grocery order.
These are three big problems. :-)!

I ordered a bra off of Amazon, 34 C right? Well, I was for 15 years but I am a 36 C now -somehow I forgot that important piece of info when ordering.  Vance asked if the bra worked out. I told him no, it was too small. He asks "oh, you've gotten bustier?!" No, just thicker around. He says "oh, so more barrel chested." hmmm I did not think of it like that but yeah, more barrel chested.

Here I am.
Gray hair is prevalent.
My dollar store sunglasses broke.
I am more barrel chested than I once was and I am running out of butter to bake with.

But I am watching friendships grow among our kids. I am watching Hazel become a better baker and cook.

I see just how much our kids' teachers care. I knew they did. But I see it on a whole new level.

I am writing letters.

I am raising ducklings.

I am walking, walking, and walking some more.

And I am choosing to find joy in these times, bra or no bra - UV eye protection or not.


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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...