Monday, November 11, 2019

These 4 I adore!

I had two fantastic days of subbing in kinder Thursday and Friday. It was a group of kids that work well together and some of the sweetest personalities I have seen. The learning is SO remarkable. I can watch things click. 
And then I feel extra grateful, because for this year I live with a kindergartner! And I get to see the growth, the imaginative nature, the mindset, and the learning!
Hazel and Oren have been hilarious this weekend. Their play, so fun! 
Merit and Willem are super into the HAWKS game! Monday night football, they sure love it. 
This is conference week. I love meeting with their teachers. 

Merit and I met with a coach this weekend who was interested in talking about Merit's baseball future. He had some ideas for  summer baseball for Merit too. 
When talking colleges, he encouraged Merit to dream big. He mentioned great schools far away.

All of this is important and good. 

But when I see this here at home, I am reminded of the little people who will miss a fantastic ROLE MODEL. We are sure enjoying his junior year, knowing his senior year will come quickly. 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...