Sunday, June 30, 2019

A fun baseball + get away

I drive through Boardman and one hundred memories enter my brain.
Looking Back; Boardman was a three year adventure that taught us a great deal about ourselves. Boardman is where it was confirmed that we love country living. Flood irrigating was a highlight. Our Oregon memories are pretty special.
We learned a few weeks before my mom died that we were moving to Boardman, Oregon. We were leaving a town, school district, and community that we really liked (Moses Lake) for Vance to take a new job in Boardman. He would be a big part of the start up operation there! For Milky Way. 
My mom was not sick, well we did not think she was. 
She was excited and supportive of the move. 
Before my mom passed away I had all the energy and adventure in the world to move to a new town!! After she passed away, I lost the energy and adventure. 
Vance was house hunting. I suggested he pick a house, any house. 
I was trying to navigate life without my mom... Phil, my youngest brother, was in 8th grade. Matthew was in high school. We were all pretty lost, trying to find a new normal.
We had built a beautiful house in Moses Lake - Vance and I.  We moved to a 1970's fixer upper, shag carpet, smaller home in Boardman, Oregon.
Let me guess, you are waiting for the good memories there. 
It was so quiet and a bit lonely in this new place that the conversations Vance and I had there and the family and friends who came to visit were God sends.
A hot tub came with the house. :-)! 
Lissa and Travis (two of our best friends in the world) came to visit us often. 
Lesha and Rob came to visit us often. 
A LOT of family from Lynden made that 6 hour trip to our 1970s house in the very quiet town of Boardman, Oregon! Lesha, Matt, and Adie were all there within 24 hours of Merit's birth.
Matt went to college in Walla Walla while we lived there! His weekend visits were always a highlight.
My Aunt Jill ( my mom's sister) lived in Portland when we lived there. We got to see her often over those three years. 
A wonderful blessing, Merit being born in Hermiston, Oregon... and the list goes on. 
I loved substitute teaching in Umatilla! I taught elementary and middle school. I met some amazing people over that time.
A few important lessons I learned there; 
Love makes a house a home. 
I cooked more in that run down kitchen than I ever cooked in our newly built kitchen in Moses Lake. Fancy does not equal better.
Lonesomeness can cause you to soul search. 
A new start in a hard place is redefining.

This baby was born when we lived in Boardman. He is 16 now, will be 17 in October. 

I can't believe how fast time flies. 

One of the weekends Rob and Lesha came to visit, Lesha and I scrapbooked at our dining room table for hours upon hours while Vance and Rob watched sports on TV. We ordered burgers from C and D, the same burger place Merit and I visited TODAY! A favorite burger joint of ours! 

This weekend Merit played in Portland and Vancouver. It was a great tournament! The guys played well and the company was terrific. Merit pitched a great game yesterday.
We ate at Gustav's, near our hotel. The food was amazing!!

The nearly five hour road trip I took to get there I was by myself. The drive was peaceful. Good music, good time to think :-) Vance had been there the first two days of the tourney. We traded places.
It was a great weekend. I am thankful.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Summer Days

 Thankful for summer days!

Praying we can get a plumber out today or tomorrow - this kitchen sink mess is a headache.

 Our weather is perfect! lots of time outside!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Magnolia Market Inspired

A new hobby of mine is being inspired by Magnolia Market; during quiet moments I browse their website... I shop garage sales and thrift stores looking for "look alikes" -
Although I really like this stuff, most of it will make its way to the Favored Farmhouse in Moses Lake tomorrow! 

Monday, June 24, 2019

SUMMER - the good, the bad, and the messy

Why did the football coach ask for a refund?
He needed his quarter back. 

Summer break, jokes, popsicles, jokes on popsicle sticks, mounds of laundry, fishing, BASEBALL, BASKETBALL, gardening, swimming, bike riding, a badly leaking kitchen sink --

I discover this morning, while grabbing a garbage bag from under the kitchen sink, that the faucet has been leaking, pretty badly. I alert Vance, as we grumble and mumble, Oren runs in with a request for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Don't you see we have a plumbing emergency here? He doesn't care as he reaches for the peanut butter. Silly kids.

Foster kittens are almost up to weight! I might cry when they go, I usually don't have this issue.
We can't foster more for a little while because we won't have enough lazy days at home.

Back to the kitchen mess;
We have the Sears Home Warranty. That warranty has helped fix a dryer, a washer, and a fridge/freezer. Am I trying to sell you on the Sears Home Warranty? No.
It's expensive and their plumbing support is poor support. We are trying to wait for a call back. But we can't wait 48 hours.

No training wheels
Big boy bike
His hands are not quite long enough to reach the hand breaks. 
This makes for some exciting rides.
Riding on WSU's campus - who would have thought!!?

Merit pitching in Pullman!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Weekend Highlights

 I love watching Will play!

Will and I headed to Tri Cities bright and early for Willem's games on Saturday!

 The Moses Lake Air show from our front yard -

And the Dogs took first place in Wenatchee!

First place! 
Merit with the win, Migs with the save! Great pitching boys
The catcher, Jack, did a terrific job! 
This team had a great day of working well together!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...