Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

 This time of year is SO fun!! The kids love it!! This pumpkin patch is just over a mile from our home! We loved visiting it on Saturday. Each kid chose a pumpkin. We met up with the Wests there - it was a great day!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

As I get close -- football

 I get close, closer maybe at the JV games compared to the varsity games. When I do get close, I see the sweat, I hear the struggles, I hear the encouragement. I hear the hits too. Our guys are tough, and they are working very hard physically. I walked away near tears last night. The game resulted in a loss. The game was not, however, a loss. There was a lot of hard work, hustle and heart that went into it. If you are a parent of a player reading this, we have some good kids. And this game is teaching them more than we realize. I see it as I get close. 

I respect these guys a lot. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Happy Monday!

Five things I love about this picture:

The Chickens
The sunset
The walkie talkie in Hazel's hand because she had been running around with her little brother "the police officer" communicating about missions and rescues

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Coffee and creamer.

A tall mound of laundry.

Merit was going to drive to school for the first time today (licensed driver as of yesterday!) But he has a headlight out -- so, tomorrow it is.

A glass of water, yet I keep reaching for the coffee.

Willem works hard in school and is doing great things -- he has his last football game of the season tomorrow.

Hazel's got a new girl in her class.

Hazel has a boy in her class - she is in the same class with him for the 3rd year.... his mom is fighting cancer. She is in a lot of pain and her cancer has spread. Prayers for this dear woman. She is so concerned... what would her eight year old do without his mom.

Oren has his "Let's Pretend" party at school tomorrow and is very excited! He LOVES looking at costumes at Goodwill and he enjoys dressing up at home.

My chickens are molting.
They are so different without their rooster friend.
The neighbor dog got a hold of him.
Makes me mad and sad, but Vance feels he was getting awfully loud and "cocky" - so we are back to just hens, who free range less because of the neighbor dog.

I found a vintage, gorgeous chair thrifting yesterday... pictures to come. Should go perfectly in the cabin.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Saturday in Seattle

 Saturday was a gorgeous day in Seattle! I love U Village! 

What a fun time for Merit, Kai, Lane and Will! A HUSKY game - just the 4 of them!

 sister time while the boys were at the game was so fun!

Monday, October 22, 2018

October Days

And then she was nine.

These kids grow fast!

It did not seem so much so when Merit was three (that kid gave me a run for my money). It did not even seem so fast when Merit and Willem were little. But now, milestones, birthdays, holidays... they come flying in.

We got some grandma and papa time last week. They watched Merit and Willem's football games!
I had two days of subbing third grade. Loved them! 
Saturday was terrific (pictures to come) Lesha, Natasha and I treated our October babies (Merit, Kai and Lane) to a HUSKY game! And of course we included Willem too. We all met up in Seattle. It was a nice day and the fall colors were GORGEOUS! My sisters and I looked around U Village (so beautiful, so fun) Then we drove to Northgate and had lunch at Nordstrom's Café and shopped Old Navy and Claires (for Hazel's birthday). We met up with the boys after the game and all had Chicago style pizza together at a fun restaurant in U Village and then we all headed home. Lots of driving that day but a great day too and a win for the Huskies! 

 Guess Who with Grandma

A little arcade fun for Hazel's birthday! Oren loved the Fruit Ninja game!! 

This girl! She is just such a gift! 
Cheers to NINE sweet Hazel Jane!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...