Tuesday, August 14, 2018


A pesky neighbor and his family recently moved. Probably a decent family, not a great neighbor. Anyway, he seems to have left two roosters. This used to be a great chicken lane. But then we ended up with two roosters this spring, our neighbors ended up with two roosters....

Which reminded me of waking up as a little girl on the Sunrise Road in Custer, WA to a gunny sack on our front porch with two hens and a rooster. To this day I have no idea where they came from. What I do know is my dad has been  an interesting, un predictable friend to many --with shenanigans from time to time and my guess is a buddy of his was trying to get rid of a rooster. Or maybe he was moving and didn't have a place for a rooster and a couple of hens. They free ranged with no coop and that rooster chased Lesha and I! We feared going outside because of that blasted rooster! Our dad took care of that problem and I have no idea what happened to the hens. My guess is dogs or coyotes got them.

Some days I want to go back to one day on the Sunrise Road, but without the rooster.

The kids and I made it to Silverwood yesterday and we had a BALL!! My kids rode rides with the West kids! Our good friends Cary, Liz and fam were there! This was dreamy for Oren especially! We enjoyed the water park there so much too. It was a LONG day! Two hours and forty minutes there and home. But the big chunk at Silverwood in between was fantastic. Oren made me so proud. His little feet walked a few miles I am sure and he rode on rides that I didn't think he would!

Hazel's audiology appointment went great today! I am so thankful. Her hearing test went better than a year ago and she had a bit less pressure on her left ear. Her right ear was and has been great. The knowledge of an audiologist is pretty impressive.

We'll see what happens to the orphaned roosters...

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...