Monday, April 30, 2018


I am a little behind on blogging. 
I have lots of pictures to upload and will probably post again later today. 
Spring is busy and fun. 
I tend to blog the fun, the highlights... I want to be real but also want to be respectful of people's privacy and want to be cautious of what I share.

With that being said, prayers are awesome so I can share a little bit of info and ask people to pray. I know God hears our prayers! 
The "matters of the heart" with our family and a couple of our really close friends are important and are considered and concerned about often by those involved. Miles is a really good friend to Oren. He has a special heart. He is doing wonderfully right now! But whispered prayers for continued health are on my heart.
Our friend Maddie has a similar heart. And she too is on my mind often.
She is strong and brave. She played basketball! I think she may be doing softball now. I love how these children are thriving.
My sisters are on my heart often. 
Both of them have an internal difibrillator. They have the same genetic heart defect that our mom had. 
They do such a good job doing life. They are great moms, they enjoy their kids, they both work part time. Prayers for their hearts are so appreciated. Our Aunt Jill also has dealt with a long journey of heart issues. She is enjoying life with a new heart. New heart, new start! 
There are days when this heart stuff feels like a lot. Life throws us so many curves and challenges. Health concerns on top of this can be heavy.
Praying for healthy hearts! Also thankful for the growth in our medical field! For the devices and the progress made with transplants, for medications that can help... 
Matters of the HEART

The heart "aches" and blessings are especially on my mind today. It is my mom's birthday! She would be 63. 

Hazel's spring concert was wonderful!

Tasha, Reese and fam, Matt and Brenda, Lesha, Rob and family, me, Vance and the kids all got together in Yakima earlier this month! We got to watch Lane and Kai play baseball! The cousin fun was awesome and it was so fun to see the fam!!

These two!!! They used to fight. 
Oren would always say "she's too youd" 
Now he adores her! Well, who wouldn't?! 



On the home front, growing chicks - happy hens -

Miles and Oren!! 

There is something about Willem's team! They have a love for the game! This team is a new combo of kids and finding their groove is a process. They are fun to watch!!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spring Break

I run out to the coop, in the rain (it isn't supposed to rain during spring break). I grab a chick. No "baby stage" goes faster than with a chick. Babies grow quickly, puppies grow quickly, chicks grow incredibly quickly! Cup of coffee, morning snuggles with a chick, camera out...
Oh and THIS morning also included a game of Monopoly - a game that I think Willem and are are four hours into.

This spring break has included SLOW MORNINGS.

One of my best friends has a birthday today, 40! She is a great mom and wife! A terrific friend too! She doesn't judge me. We are open books when we get together over a quick lunch or coffee or meet up at a baseball field. It dawned on me last week that I need these girlfriends in my life SO much, especially with my mom not being here.And my girlfriends ENCOURAGE like my mom would. ----------Happy Birthday Dear Katie!

This week has been funny. More baseball boys in the car on the way to practice, funny conversations. Yesterday the freshman guys had to be at the HS at 1 to get on the bus for their Eastmont game. I grabbed Migs (close by), then headed out to Mae Valley to get Hazel from Grandma Kris' and Kellogg from his place. Merit panics "I left the team bucket of balls at home!" Ahhhhh! Migs calls his mom she runs the balls to the HS, they get there in time. Kids dropped off, baseballs there... I drive home, an hour later realize I have one of the boys game jerseys in the car. Ahhhh! I text Merit. I head to Eastmont (was part of my plan anyway).We get the kid his jersey (protecting his identity here) and then Hazel, Oren and I head to Old Navy to spend our Old Navy cash! These two who rarely fight are argueing and saying "Stop mimicking me!" ahhhhh! Argueing, fighting over sitting in the cart, Hazel would rather choose something from the new "spring rack" than clearance. If you know me, I am a clearance gal. More mimicking. Then Oren says "Hazel, I am sorry I was being mean at you." And again, for just a bit, all is right with the world. They play GREAT at Merit's game. Imagining, cart wheels, exercise, the good stuff.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Thankful for Spring Break

Coloring eggs with Hazel and Spiderman

 so much Paw Patrol love in this house
Lots of running today!
Willem and I started a game of Monopoly that we would love to finish but I am not sure that will happen.
Our weather is a little chilly but we did do some yard work and chicken duties yesterday, a hike too.
It feels good to have this break.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...