Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The fun of friendships

Going through some piles and cleaning up some messes before Oren heads to pre-school...
Thought I would just take 5 min. to update my blog.
His stories about pre-school are pretty great! And he loves to write and draw. He has a lot of buddies there and to hear him talk about his social fun there makes me smile. 

We have had a lot of sweet friend moments! 
I got together with girlfriends for crepes, coffee and a birthday celebration Friday - it was wonderful. 
Hazel has had girl friends over, crafting, baking and Barbies are some of their loves.  Willem spent the night at a friends Sat. night and had a blast! Oren had Nathaniel over yesterday. Merit always has funny stories from basketball, especially the bus rides. 

There were hot Cheetos in the car last night and as I was sitting at the High School waiting for Merit to get done with practice, I decided to eat a few. The heartburn I had at 5 a.m. this morning really made me wish I had not. 

O.P.J His imagination and play run wild. 
I laugh a lot and sometimes he tells me that what I am laughing at was not supposed to be funny! 

Nathaniel game over yesterday for a little play date and lunch -- Oren was SO excited!

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...