Thursday, December 14, 2017


Bumps and hurdles, hurdles and bumps
A week of this
Merit's phone was stolen out of his locker while at basketball practice
Vance tells the story that his wallet was stolen out of his locker when he was a seventh grader and my cheer shoes were stolen from my locker in HS. All unlocked lockers. Strangely we have been very trusting of man kind. But they call them LOCKers for a reason.
More bumps yesterday.

And  I meet kids who face adversity every day.

I read Thank You Mr. Falker to a class of third graders yesterday. It is in my top five favorite books. Most of the kids really got the book.

What I am very excited for today is Oren's pre-school Christmas program.
This kid reacts and learns differently. He is fearful of some things. He is stubborn about that fear. His play is amazing. He is the youngest of 4. I remember when I had him, life was/is so busy when the fourth comes around that it is so different than bringing home your first. But what was so great was that he walked in the door of a home, okay was carried in his car seat, to 5 people who love him fiercely.

My view in the morning, another thanksgiving in a bumpy week

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...