Saturday, November 25, 2017

I met a girl

My mind keeps going back to a girl.
A girl in a class I subbed in last week.
She said some rude things. She was tattled on, complained about - she seemed to be an instigator. One girl said "all of these things that are being said about 'S' are true. She has been like this since kindergarten." I watched her work and stall. A mad look on her face most of the time. She threw her color sheet, printed on card stock away, the kids said she could not grab another without permission, which she did.
I approached her and asked about throwing the first color sheet away and why she grabbed a second without permission. She was mad because the picture was detailed and she only two or three colored pencils. Many other children had a nice pack of 12 or 24. She looked at me like she was about to yell or cry. I starred into her face and felt sad for her. I felt thankful she has the teacher she has (because I was subbing for a caring teacher and lady), but sad that the girl seemed to have such a weight on her shoulders and such an attitude about her.
I watched her walk home from school the next day.
I reminded myself we don't know about the homes in which they are walking to. We don't know if someone is there when they get home or if no one is there.
From 9-3:30 these children are at a safe school where adults, and some children, care about their needs and their learning.
I felt sad because I hate to see a child with a poor colored pencil collection and little zest for learning, I promised myself two things. 1) I will buy her a pack of colored pencils 2) I will pray for her

I watch these kids and they teach me so much. They teach me as much, or more, than I teach them.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...