Thursday, August 3, 2017

oh summer

 Marilyn has this enchanting, inviting space! Her greenhouse is so fabulous.
 Hazel and I attended a beautiful baby shower for Carly! Kelcy and Penny did a great job hosting.

 My sweet, talented niece Lucy MADE this for Carly's baby.

 This guy. He is having a great summer. Pretending with Hazel would be one of his highlights I am guessing.
Capes, princess dresses, playing, pretending, sibling love...

We went to the lake yesterday and met up with three kids who have lots of TIME each day. Parents working, they get their chores done by 12:30 and they are usually allowed to walk wherever and find something to fill their day. It was fun for Merit and Willem to swim and jump off the bridge with them. One of the friends, "J", said the day before he had been at the lake from 12:30 till sunset. He and his sister packed a sandwich and an apple. They asked us to meet them again next week. Great kids, finding fun in their summer "travels."

For many, summer isn't vacations and eating out and ice cream stops. It is sometimes a bit boring or lonely.
 God is placing some of these kids in our path and that is a blessing.

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...