I met an elementary aged girl this week. She had a spirit, spunk and smile that inspired me.
I gave a spelling pre-test. She told me she had studied a lot the night before! She asked me if I would be correcting the tests before the end of the day. She couldn't wait to see if she was a "star speller"! I did correct them, and she was a star speller! After more visiting I learned this girl is homeless. She stays in a shelter at night. School is safe and warm. There is breakfast and lunch. She is read to on a cozy carpet. She has a caring, terrific teacher. This girl is a sponge, wanting to learn. Stories like these change my perspective.
They humble me. I am reminded to be a good listener, to be thankful and to give when I can.
When I see homeless adults, and there are many in Moses Lake, standing on street corners when it is 15 degrees- my heart hurts.
Grandma Kris bought important supplies that any homeless person may need and created "giving bags" with a few of the grandkids. In the bags are warm socks, a hat, gloves, water, tissues, gum, a toothbrush and toothpaste, cheese and crackers... My kids have loved giving these bags out this January. It makes them feel like they can help, if even just a bit. Last night Merit handed one to a man (it was very cold last night) and the guy could not have been more appreciative. We drove away, in awe of how he made our day... And I said to Merit let's turn around and see if wants a burger or a coffee too. We pulled up to him again. He said he would love a burger. We hit McDonalds drive thru and I asked Merit if he would also like a burger. He said "no, give mine to him!" Two burgers and an order of fries later and five thank yous from a man with no home, we were humbled, smiling, feeling like maybe we made just a bit of a difference. I love the giving hearts these kids have! I am so thankful!

I am baker! I think it is time to share some baked goods.
Moses Lake is doing a good job trying to address this need in our community. Sack lunches are put together every Tuesday evening. Youth Dynamics partners up with Serve Moses Lake to make this happen. The warming station, in the old Boys and Girls Club, is a warm place for many to sleep at night. If you live in Moses Lake and have blankets, sheets, warm clothes (gently used), shoes or kitchen items that you would like to donate, Serve Moses Lake will take them and hand these items out as needed.
Oren and I went thrifting this morning! The Valentine fabric might be fun to wrap handmade soaps in. We found a Strawberry Shortcake rag doll for a gal who we love who is collecting rag dolls. Other finds included a Little House on the Prairie BIG BOOK and stationary.
I love my egg gathering apron.
And I am standing on Vance's grandmother's rug.
I am surrounded with keepsakes, hand made gifts and sweet blessings.
This boy!
Got my card making supplies out today for an hour and "went to town" -- so fun!