Saturday, December 31, 2016


2016 was sweet. We watched these kids grow, change, have fun...
I saw a level of friendship and compassion among our children that I love.
One trip out of the state for a couple of days in Boardman, OR - which was such a fun adventure!! We celebrated my birthday there, camped, had good family time
We went to Idaho with the Willemsen's and enjoyed two days at Silverwood!
We made new friends and cherished the old.
MANY vet visits
LOTS of ball games
We fostered kittens, a highlight for sure!
No major changes; Hazel's second year of elementary, another year of elementary for Will, Merit's 3rd year at Frontier. Oren is still hanging with me at home.
Vance's job has not changed much.
I continued to sub a bit, working with children is something I love so much, and I  have enjoyed photography.
I am so thankful for our time together and for our health.
It is interesting because I already see 2017 bringing a lot of changes! Merit will move onto high school! Willem will move onto middle school! Oren will start pre-school. Vance's boss, Bob, is retiring.

I am thankful for God's guidance in the coming year.
We approach 2017 with prayer and with trust.

To my readers, thank you! This blog is therapeutic and fun.
Here is a quick recap of our year!

Seahawks fan, EVERY year
kicking off spring break!!

chick races!

 Thank you God for 2016


Natasha said...

Hazel carrying that chicken is such a great picture!

Maria said...

Love these pictures...i just had to laugh when I saw Nathaniel with those kittens. He is now begging daily for a pet. :)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...