Sunday, November 27, 2016

Share the thrift, Matt and B, Nutcracker

I love to thrift. I have cut back. I haven't really been able to cut back on my own. I have been teaching more therefore I don't have the time for it and really, it works out. BUT, I am sucker for a big "bag" of goodies! A bag of paper crafting materials, a bag of Christmas ornaments.
My new thing is if I buy a bag of paper crafting materials, after purchasing them I go through the bag. I grab the few things I want/need out of the bag. Can a person need paper crafting supplies? Sometimes it feels like it. Then I donate the rest back. OR, I sometimes have a teacher/classroom in mind that would want the rest.
Last week I went to Goodwill. Instead of 4 times a week I am down to once a week. I saw a bag of ornaments and some of the ornaments reminded me of my childhood! There were five ornaments I loved and several that were cute but not that special to me. When I subbed third grade on Wednesday, the extra ornaments were "prizes" for those third graders! They LOVED it! It was so fun! They asked if I would please do it again next time I sub.

Oren is still a huge fan of Curious George!

These kids love their visits with Matt and B.

Last night, Merit, Willem, Hazel and I enjoyed the Nutcracker, up at our high school's theater. The dancers, costumes, scenes etc were so beautiful. The Nutcracker was really well done. Merit's friend Ariana was in it. Her dancing was BEAUTIFUL. She smiles the entire time. She has a lot of talent. Our friends Lely, Ariana, Esther, and Hanna all performed!  

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

What a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend this has been.

Some down time!
The kids watched Fantastic Mr. Fox

Dutch is darling! 
Oren and Hazel were smitten.
Dutch is Grandma Kris' new pup! 

Spending the day at Vic's was great, with all sorts of fun people! 

And visiting with and even relaxing with Matt and Brenda back at our place...

Feeling so thankful!~ for loved ones, for memories made, for Thanksgiving 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

8th grade basketball

 I love Merit's hustle.
Lerenz, #20 is a baller. Watching this kid play football and basketball is so fun! 

 These guys work so hard! Gosh, this has been a great season so far!

 Merit, #25

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Seahawks, weekend fun... I seem to be camera happy!

Hazel took these shots!

Did a little re-decorating in the dining room. I am always moving stuff around.

Pinterest success, a fun weekend

A fun pinterest project! 3 cake pans, a candle holder and a funky jar! Gorilla glued them together. Then gathered evergreen branches and pine cones with Will and Hazel, we like the end result. oh! and I added a candle to the top.

Our weekend was good and we got to relax quite a bit. 
We ate eggs both morning for breakfast, farm fresh. I think our heads laid 12 this weekend. 
The Seahawks won! 
I had a successful photo shoot with a wonderful family, the Clifton's!
Vance made a delicious pot of split pea and ham soup.
Hazel did a ton of reading and drawing... math too.
I get to teach third grade tomorrow and Wednesday this week.
Merit has a basketball game tomorrow. 
It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is this week already! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday Happenings

Yesterday I worked with some other Longview Elementary moms in getting the back room of the 
Moses Lake Museum set up. We are displaying Longview students' art! 

Friday evening the museum will have a holiday open house. 

Merit, #25

 Merit's a baller. Watching our boys play basketball is one of my FAVORITE things.

Frontier's 8th grade team won! By 1 point!! What a game!

We have had the most beautiful fall, with a little extra rain. It feels good.

Today is full. Merit had basketball practice at 6 a.m.! A Dutch Brother's coffee was the perfect treat after that errand. I will do more set up at the museum. It is a half day of school for the kids. We have Will and Hazel's parent teacher conferences. 

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...