My new thing is if I buy a bag of paper crafting materials, after purchasing them I go through the bag. I grab the few things I want/need out of the bag. Can a person need paper crafting supplies? Sometimes it feels like it. Then I donate the rest back. OR, I sometimes have a teacher/classroom in mind that would want the rest.
Last week I went to Goodwill. Instead of 4 times a week I am down to once a week. I saw a bag of ornaments and some of the ornaments reminded me of my childhood! There were five ornaments I loved and several that were cute but not that special to me. When I subbed third grade on Wednesday, the extra ornaments were "prizes" for those third graders! They LOVED it! It was so fun! They asked if I would please do it again next time I sub.
Oren is still a huge fan of Curious George!
These kids love their visits with Matt and B.
Last night, Merit, Willem, Hazel and I enjoyed the Nutcracker, up at our high school's theater. The dancers, costumes, scenes etc were so beautiful. The Nutcracker was really well done. Merit's friend Ariana was in it. Her dancing was BEAUTIFUL. She smiles the entire time. She has a lot of talent. Our friends Lely, Ariana, Esther, and Hanna all performed!