Summer nights here are kind of dreamy.
Children playing at sunset and chickens exploring at sunset are a beautiful sight.
Merit and Willem have been working hard creating a dirt baseball field out by the garden. They pulled weeds, raked (all in the hot sun) and had a wiffle ball game out there last night.
Marilyn M., a dear friend who has such an appreciation for homegrown and nature, came out yesterday morning. We spent time in the garden, we walked to the cabin. She brought her son Calvin. Calvin and Willem walked and talked and got reconnected. We loved our time with them.
I am really tired. Today I need to get our dog into the vet. She cut her foot last night. Merit has a broken bracket and rubber bands hanging so I think I need to make a call to the orthodontist. I woke up with a sore throat. Oren Paul requires a lot of redirection and discipline these days. I keep trying to get creative, but my mind is tired.
Summer fighting has begun, but there is a lot of cooperative, creative play too. I really need to take the bad with the good, because there is a lot of good. Fro yo dates, playing, gardening together, enjoying the water park, weekly thrift store stops, crafting, floating the creek, a little bit of farming... 😃 good stuff.
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