Thursday, July 28, 2016

Summer mode

Summer nights here are kind of dreamy.
Children playing at sunset and chickens exploring at sunset are a beautiful sight.

Merit and Willem have been working hard creating a dirt baseball field out by the garden. They pulled weeds, raked (all in the hot sun) and had a wiffle ball game out there last night.

Marilyn M., a dear friend who has such an appreciation for  homegrown and nature, came out yesterday morning. We spent time in the garden, we walked to the cabin. She brought her son Calvin. Calvin and Willem walked and talked and got reconnected.  We loved our time with them.

I am really tired. Today I need to get our dog into the vet. She cut her foot last night. Merit has a broken bracket and rubber bands hanging so I think I need to make a call to the orthodontist. I woke up with a sore throat. Oren Paul requires a lot of redirection and discipline these days. I keep trying to get creative, but my mind is tired.

Summer fighting has begun, but there is a lot of cooperative, creative play too. I really need to take the bad with the good, because there is a lot of good. Fro yo dates, playing, gardening together, enjoying the water park, weekly thrift store stops, crafting, floating the creek, a little bit of farming... 😃 good stuff.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Another stroll down memory lane

I am grateful I have taken so many pictures! I do love these sweet strolls down memory lane. I like looking back.

The barn in front of my dad's property.

These pictures are old. A little throwback .... When I used to be able to work in my craft room. 😪
 And now it houses seasonal everything. 😳 and there is my Willem about Oren's age!

Oh Willem!! 

My computer is old and full and on the fritz. Bums me out. But I am on this quest to simplify and maybe no computer for a month or so will better help me achieve that? I can't upload my Canon camera pics, so my camera is shelved for a bit too. I miss it, but again the whole simplify thing is good. 😀 
I have some senior pics to do in the coming months, but can take a break from most photography until then. 
I need to soak up my family and care for these animals.  Garden too (the weeds are coming up quick). I want to read this summer. Here it is the end of July and I still have not found the time to start a book. We camped last weekend in Tri Cities. The campground was new and beautiful! It had a neat event center, a fantastic outdoor pool and wine tasting Saturday night. What is even better is that baseball was tied into our weekend, so we enjoyed that too at two awesome ballparks.

The week before we joined the Willemsen's in Idaho and made a lot of sweet memories. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saying good bye to one season of baseball, floating the creek, longtime friends...

Floating Crab Creek is an activity we have LOVED this summer and last...

Brenda, Kai, Merit and Willem enjoyed it yesterday afternoon! 

This is one of my favorite spots on the creek. It is a gorgous area to wade and the sound of the water is amazing!

Baseball state for Willem was great. We would have LOVED to make it further, but we had some good games. I enjoyed that it was here in Moses Lake. We connected with SO many Lynden families. I loved this.

I have known Doc and Joyce as long as I can remember. Sitting with them through one of Willem's games was a joy. Getting caught up and talking baseball was great.

 It was really hard to say goodbye to these kids, coaches and families. We have been together since March. It has been really fun getting to know them. And each of these boys has become a better ball player.

And tomorrow, the 13 U state tournament begins for Merit Henry.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Thursday evening update

Hazel and I were gathering eggs yesterday morning and she said "funny, we have a fashion girl and a farm girl gathering eggs." I asked which one of us was the fashion girl. She said "Well, I am!" And she was wearing heels in the chicken coop.

I have a load of stuff ready to go to Goodwill. I am so much better at bringing loads of stuff from Goodwill to our home.

I am SO excited for baseball state for both boys! Willem's team won both games today! I LOVE this team!

Hazel and I watched Coal Miner's Daughter when Vance and the big boys were gone fishing and Oren was in bed. It is rated PG but it was a little heavy for her. Oh, I love that movie. I am a huge Loretta Lynn fan. I also like Snoop Dog. Gheesh. I feel like that right there tells a lot about me. Versatile? Random? A little odd... and an appreciation for a ride range of music.

Loretta Lynn married and moved to Custer, WA at the age of 14! She lived just down the road from where I lived from the age of 2 until I was 9. I love her history. I love that we share some roots. Her journey towards fame is incredible. Her voice is amazing.

Raising a three year old is hard. Oren threw a handful of sand at me at the water park while I was visiting with a friend. I think she might have gotten a little sand in the teeth too. Raising Oren at 3 reminds me so much of raising Merit at 3. I just hope Oren can grow up to be as nice as Merit is. Oren's kisses are darling. His laughter is contagious and his stories warm my heart.

Our friend Masen threw out the first pitch for the 10s at this morning's opening ceremonies.

 Runner's out! Will's excited!
Hayden got two triples today. His smile!

Willem takes this game seriously. He is a heck of a kid.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Down time, sweet summer moments...

Summer days allow for more down time. More play. It just feels so good. 
I found three dolls sleeping in a slipper a couple of days ago. I didn't find that during the school year.

Hazel and I went out flower picking the other day. We took our time. 

It feels good. The past three days have been so relaxed and having my brother Phil here was perfect! He PLAYS with the kids, gets down on the floor and plays! Plays trucks, tractors, restaurant...laughs with them. Gets a kick out of Oren's "language" it was so good!! And Hazel and Oren couldn't have had more fun! 

And then when the big guys get back from their trip, Willem's baseball state starts! And the following weekend Merit's! Man these kids grow fast. And boy do we ever love baseball.

4 years ago and this year...
Happy 4th to you all! 
I am so thankful for our country and for our life here.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Summer Memories Being Made

We sure are enjoying this foster kitty!

Uncle Phil is here!

He plays and plays with the kids. They LOVE it!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...