Sunday, March 27, 2016

upgrading from the dog leash, thanking God for his GOODNESS

The promise and hope of EASTER! 
He is risen! 
He is risen indeed!

To know we have that hope is such a blessing. 

We sure enjoyed these kids today too!! 
Time together.

We got a couple pieces of good news today and that felt good for the heart.

 She helps him. He calls for her. He begs her to play with him after she has spent hours playing with him.He asks me to pick her up from school 5 - 10 times a day. He LOVED carrying around that Easter basket, but refused to put even one egg in it. Oren, his OWN little person. Never a dull moment!

She has been jump roping with a dog leash for 3 months. 
She got a jump rope in her Easter basket and that is what she did all afternoon!!! 
Down hills, on uneven ground, forward, backward. She tells me her favorite hobbies are coloring and jump roping. But I know playing play dough is right up there too!

Last night was SO fun. We celebrated Bonnie Guitar's birthday in Soap Lake! She is 93 years old! A talented musician. It was fun to look her up yesterday too and listen to some of her older songs. I first heard her play maybe 23 years ago.
Dancing and laughing and being together last night was great! We had a fun evening with Ryan, Carly, Vic and Kris. 

Thanking God for his goodness.

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Chilly days, good days

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