Saturday, December 31, 2016


2016 was sweet. We watched these kids grow, change, have fun...
I saw a level of friendship and compassion among our children that I love.
One trip out of the state for a couple of days in Boardman, OR - which was such a fun adventure!! We celebrated my birthday there, camped, had good family time
We went to Idaho with the Willemsen's and enjoyed two days at Silverwood!
We made new friends and cherished the old.
MANY vet visits
LOTS of ball games
We fostered kittens, a highlight for sure!
No major changes; Hazel's second year of elementary, another year of elementary for Will, Merit's 3rd year at Frontier. Oren is still hanging with me at home.
Vance's job has not changed much.
I continued to sub a bit, working with children is something I love so much, and I  have enjoyed photography.
I am so thankful for our time together and for our health.
It is interesting because I already see 2017 bringing a lot of changes! Merit will move onto high school! Willem will move onto middle school! Oren will start pre-school. Vance's boss, Bob, is retiring.

I am thankful for God's guidance in the coming year.
We approach 2017 with prayer and with trust.

To my readers, thank you! This blog is therapeutic and fun.
Here is a quick recap of our year!

Seahawks fan, EVERY year
kicking off spring break!!

chick races!

The end of 2016

When the ground is frozen, these chickens still NEED a dust bath! I made them last year, sand and fire place ash. But they are creative with their working and digging and if I let them out mid day they can sometimes get a dust bath in. But, very cold temperatures are in the very near future. I will miss having my chicken helpers once the kid are back in school. Willem fills their water everyday and Willem would put together a dust bath in a moment's notice. Hazel is often my egg gatherer. Merit would rather be assigned chores outside of the coop. Oren, well he is along for the ride.

The last day of 2016? Really!? 2016 has been a great year! A year of growth and a desire for more growth! Kids who are thankful. I have gotten to sub more and LOVE it! Vance has a good job. We make good memories with friends and family and we love being home. Sports are something we SO enjoy! Especially watching Merit and Willem play!
I would love to do a year in review today! But I have also decided I will put away at least half of the Christmas decorations. We have a lot! And I will try to get in the coop and shovel frozen poop. The big guys are enjoying the HUSKY game. I will be back before midnight...

Thursday, December 29, 2016

soaking it up

 Today was one of those days when I just SOAKED it ALL up.

These 4! 
Blessings I ADORE!

More Christmas Pictures!

And more Christmas memories from our time spent in Lynden! 

Over the holidays I have my camera out and ready, as you can plainly see! 

And this week it is fun for the kids to play with their 
Christmas goodies!  The big boys each got a video game, they are having fun with that. We are playing board games and card games! Willem is hoping to go to the movie theater. Hazel loves her Calico Critter set. Oren is having fun with his cars, trucks, his puppy, his stuffed animals and just watched a new Christmas movie. The days feel good. Winter break is a fav! --- We are bagging up some gently used toys and clothes for Serve Moses Lake. The big boys will like making that delivery. We are so blessed! A warm, cozy home, lots of good food! Games, toys, puzzles... we are thankful.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...