Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Break, Memories, Life

Dirty socks, lots of cereal bowls, slushies made from snow and sprite, LAUGHTER, laundry, prayer

collecting eggs, watching Teen Nick, Price is Right, baking, LAUGHTER, laundry, prayer

Looking back on Christmas once again and thankful for a longer visit with Uncle Jeremy than I have had in quite some time! Also, I got to meet my blogging friend Tami Rylaarsdam. To be honest, she is so much more than a blogging friend! She sent us an adorable blanket when Hazel was a wee baby. A few weeks later my nephew Case passed away. She sent me the most heartfelt card. She prayed for Natasha and Reese, she prayed for all of us.

 Her "style" is amazing! We share a love for vintage.So on December 23rd we finally met! I got to give her a big hug, we had a short visit. I left so thankful! When you brag about one of your best friends (yet you haven't really met her) people don't always take you seriously. Well, we've met! And next time we will have an outing just of our own.

1 comment:

Tami said...

I just posted about our meeting... and then saw your post! Ohhh girlfriend, that was a highlight for me too. Have a Happy New Year! We will see you in 2016! In real life...

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...