Monday, October 5, 2015


Willem and Nellie

Frontier 7th grade football
How is Merit old enough for this? How am I old enough for this?
Man, we love this
Merit is #14

Will has had a terrific season! #7

One of my teeth broke on Friday. A molar. ugh. Feeling this sharp edge for 4 days is kind of stinky, but I am not in pain - huge answer to prayer. My dentist was closed Friday and today so I get in tomorrow morning and will finally have it fixed!

I got so many tomatoes off of my bushes today! Yay!! I fry them up pretty much every day for lunch, with leeks and zucchini and a farm fresh egg! Yum.

Merit is working so hard at school and football and last night all the pressure sort of hit him hard, praying this week he can just go with it and that the math concepts are learned a bit more easily. My sis in law Cary has four kids. Her third (Isabel) is Merit's age. I find I am living conversations I had with her five years ago, eight years ago. It has been good to glean wisdom from her. And I have so many friends who help share their joys and struggles with their kids. It is good to talk it out. And pray it up.

Hazel is a kindergarten rock star. She is such an emerging reader!! And is such a great friend!

My photography has been fun! Just a photo shoot once a week or every other week. Perfect. I have had my camera almost six years. I had to replace the lense this summer, but man that camera has been great and from time to time I am still learning new features and functions.

Willem and Oren are buddies. The bond they are growing makes me smile!

I saw War Room with Katie Allred last week. Wow, a powerful movie. And seeing it with her was icing on the cake. I have the best girlfriends a gal could ask for.

My dad will have hip replacement surgery tomorrow. hmmmm I am so happy he will get this done, but everything leading up to it is a little bit hard. Phil and my dad have a bit too much interaction so Phil helping with the after care might be asking too much. Matt is working away. Tasha is in AK and I am here and Lesha is busy working part time, taking care of her family... It just all gets tricky. I talked to my dad yesterday and his attitude was great. Lots of laughs and he was just in good spirits. That makes things easier.

I have three more loads of laundry to get to today and need to vacuum a couple of rooms. The family is excited to watch the Seahawks tonight!

I am praying that God will show me the JOY in this week and I pray I face it with a GRATEFUL heart.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Ha! Google I tricked you and it worked. So many of my comments dissapear, but I learned to put one character in my first attempt, post, dissapear, but the second time around should be a charm. Praying the Lord holds you all close. Praying it out! You all are so dear to me. What a treat to see a glimpse into your daily life from here. xo

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...