Sunday, March 22, 2015

Marilyn's beauty... our new chicks!

We have had a great weekend. Friday night we were HOME, just home and it felt so good. I made potato soup in the crock pot. We watched some March Madness. It was good. GO GONZAGA!
Yesterday Vance left here at noon for his cousin Travis' wedding in Seattle.
Merit had baseball practice in the afternoon. I visited my dear friend Marilyn while he was at practice. I picked her brain on raising chickens and we talked about raising boys. Between the two of us there are 7! and also sweet Hazel Jane. Her yard was so beautiful! Spring blossoms and blooms! It was wonderful! And the conversation so good for the soul.

Marilyn's son Elliot built their coop. We peaked in to see if there were fresh eggs. There were ten! So fun! 


Her greenhouse... her daffodils

I left Marilyn's feeling refreshed! Soon after we grabbed Merit from baseball and me and the four kids went to the farm store and started buying supplies for our brooder.
We got everything set up. Found a good place in our loft, for now and then today we went and adopted five darling baby chicks.

Their cuteness. It overwhelms me! 
Be ready for lots of chick pictures! They quickly realized their "mama" loves the camera... and them! 

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...