Saturday, January 4, 2014

I welcome January!

SO here is January.
I love January for several reasons.
Here's to hopin' we get a NO SCHOOL snow day, drink lots of hot cocoa, make mitten cut out sugar cookies... I hope we get evenings of movie watching. Cold, brisk walks on sunny days, ice skating and try to get a little organized all sound good to me! Hot coffee on frosty mornings, baby snuggles, good books...
This weekend Merit has a basketball tournament, it is really fun to watch him play. 
For the month of January I can only check facebook if I am on my treadmill. This either means very little facebook, or lots of walking and running. I am actually okay with either.

easy bake oven sugar cookies

cabin cozy

This room is SO stuffed with FUN! :)
It's the craft room.
And it needed a makeover so Willem and Hazel have been helping me paint it. 
Having them paint is frustrating, messy but most of all beautiful.
I told myself I had to use paint I had on hand, so the blue (it is supposed to be gray) is the color of Oren's room. In Oren's room it looks pretty gray, here, more blue.
This room CAN BE a catch all. I am okay with that, but every now and then I try to make it pretty again. And my hearts been warmed by the sweet sentiments I have run acrossed. I have saved lots of pictures and
old letters from people. MANY of the letters are from my Aunt Meredith and my sis Lesha from when we lived in Boardman, Oregon. 
Mother's Day cards from my boys, gift tags and cards from Natasha with beautiful detail! The sewing machine I bought when my job with the school district switched to full time. When we moved east of the mountains, I worked mornings for the Royal City School District, soon I got a full time job there (with benefits!) Within a month of this I went to the dentist :) and bought a sewing machine!! Wish I was a better seamstress.
Since having this room somewhat picked up, it has become Hazel's art studio.

My "brown paper bag" wall and the new blue.
Lissa inspired me to do the brown paper bag years ago.

My friend Maria made this beautiful hat. I wear it. Hazel wears it and Oren wears it. Thank you sweet friend! 

Happy January! 


Natasha said...

I love all your pictures from 2013! I also love that you are looking forward to January :) I am still having a hard time remembering that it's a new year!!

Maria said...

Love your crafting space!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...