Monday, July 1, 2013

A quick update

Oh these four make me smile.
Oren is doing great and sleeping well at night, he just wakes up once or twice to eat. The feedings take a while and there is burping and diaper changes... but I feel like I am getting some "chunks" of rest! He is a content, sweet guy!
We are still really busy with baseball. Vance and Merit are at Merit's practice right now. Baseball "state" is Thursday through Sunday. It will be busy!
I'll be back soon! Today is one of those days when there is not quite enough of me to go around. Right now Hazel is requesting to do some online coloring. Also, the laundry needs my attention and I need to pull some of my potted plants in. They look "burnt" from this heat! 108 degrees today! So thankful for AC.

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