Monday, February 25, 2013

A little Monday morning blog post...

I am so easily distracted. I was born this way. Three projects are waiting for me and I come downstairs to check emails and blog... oh my, but since I am here I will share some pictures from our weekend.

Friday I made a dent in organizing our room. Our closets are small - I dream of a large walk in :) - so I "toted" up some clothes that don't fit, while Hazel rested and relaxed in our bed. She is such a sweet girl, I am crazy about this angel.

I should be trying to break of her of the binkie -
but we are fine tuning the potty training right now and that is a great accomplishment.
She is on an antibiotic for her ears and is having to rush to the toilet due to
some of those darn antibiotic side affects, but she is doing great.

oh I love her personality.
And these hand me down horse pjs... what a hit!
Thank you Maddie A.!

It was a great weekend for shooting some hoops.

Nellie and Haze

Hazel, Vance and Nellie

Now... where was I again? Back to my projects!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fun Weekend

It was a fun weekend. The weather was beautiful!

Hazel was determined to move this log over to the area where I was sitting. I had plopped myself on a log to watch the kids play. She needed a little help from Willem (Willem always seems to be right there to help a brother or a sista out!)

Pretty proud. And Willem's hands are right there - just in case -

Willem loves riding his motorcycle!

Nellie loved having "her humans" around all weekend. :)

Merit riding down by the creek.

I cleaned the cabin Saturday. It was so fun to go down there for a little bit.
The kids wore themselves out having fun playing outside.
The time outdoors and fresh air was great.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Remembering, Treasuring and Praying

Last night I attended a neat event for Lilly Hultberg. I loved seeing the great turnout and community support!
Lilly is a five year old friend of ours who is battling leukemia. Their family is tired and weary, their life is full of appointments, treatments, doctors reports, blood work...
Their family is traveling back and forth from Moses Lake to Seattle to seek treatment. Lilly is fighting, I am praying she will be healed.

There is a lot of heartache in this world. My thoughts and my heart have been brought back to my nephew Case so much over these past few weeks too, when a life is so short I reach to try to understand why. I know I can't understand, but I drive myself crazy at times.

Case was so loved in his almost six months of life.
He had the best family! An adoring big brother, a mom and dad who LOVED him so, so much. I'm so glad God gave Natasha, Reese and Lane to him.

Lilly is so, so loved. I am praying if it is God's will that she will see her 6th birthday, her 10th birthday, her 20th birthday...  I know she is a blessing to so many. To see the community gather together last night to raise money for her medical expenses, to show their care and to band together was special.

I have spent a little time this morning going through pictures of our time with Case. I can get "lost" doing this and soon the sink is heaping with dirty dishes, the kids are hollering for mama and Vance wonders where I have disappeared to... so this morning I gave myself 30 minutes to remember and to take a little time to share my thoughts with you.

Case and Hazel

Case and Natasha

This was a really fun day. It was Thanksgiving weekend.
Lesha hosted us at her home -- something she is so good about doing!
Michele, Natasha, Grandma Alma, Lesha
Willem, Kai, Case, Amara, Merit, Hazel, Lane, Brielle

The picture is very precious to me, but always makes me teary eyed too. Now, we no longer have sweet Case - but since then Estelle has been added to the family. We took turns holding Case and Hazel. That weekend was the weekend that Natasha and I got to introduce our sweet babies to all of our family in Lynden! We were all together again at Christmas!
Looking at these pictures reminds me to take lots of pictures. These memories are so sweet and seem to come more alive through precious pictures.

Case William

 I look at these pictures and get teary, but am also so thankful. Thankful for
memories made, for a family that shares A LOT of love and laughter and for this sweet boy.

I know that I can't understand the depth of Natasha and Reese's sadness in missing Case. And as time goes on sometimes we are less inclined to pray for people who have lost someone. We get on with our lives, but their loss is still very real. What I have loved about their family is the JOY they find in the journey, amidst the sadness.

So, I am headed outside to make some memories with my family! Willem and Hazel are digging in the sand, Vance has a big fire going -- burning tree limbs and stumps. Merit is playing basketball I think.
And as I soak up these people I love, I will whisper prayers for Lilly and prayers for Natasha and family... along with the others who are on my heart this week... Maddie, my siblings, friends going through tough things...
And I will be thankful for today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday night

I have had some of my photos printed this week for
cards and a couple for canvas prints.
Makes me excited for spring buds, summer blooms, newborn baby pics...

Hazel had a rough evening last night. Poor sweet girl! Turns out her little eardrum ruptured.
She is so much better now. So, we are using antibiotic ear drops and I hope we won't have to use oral antibiotics too. Too many antibiotics make me nervous... but of course we want to kick this infection too!
She is SO much happier today than she was last night!

So, that is the update on Hazel Jane.

The boys are having a great week. They are excited about Valentine's Day. Willem has all of his class Valentines written already. Merit was hoping to find some NBA Valentines, but might settle for some $1 store sports ones instead. :)
Vance made an awesome dinner tonight. Glad I married a guy who likes to cook! The steamed artichokes were really good and the prime rib was delicious.

Hazel and I had some fun down at the cabin on Sunday.
She loved exploring!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Update

Lots of sunshine this weekend makes for lots of time outdoors.
Nellie is loving having "her people" around. :)

Willem likes motorcycle riding.

Hazel, loving life

I am growing!

Sweet baby boy.

So many matters of the heart being researched and prayed over these days.

I think it feels very strange and difficult that a heart condition that took our mom so suddenly when she was so young is now known to be genetic. We didn't know this before and it is A LOT to digest.
I could write and talk about it quite a bit because I think working through it, researching it and bouncing thoughts, concerns and questions off of friends and family is good. But I also need to be intentional about enjoying the NOW. These kids are at great ages. Life is full of sweet blessings... life is good.
As I try to navigate my way through life, I so often wish my mom was enjoying this journey here with us.
I know she would LOVE being a grandma. I listen to so many women speak so lovingly of their grandchildren and how fun being a grandparent is. It feels sad that our mom couldn't experience it. Since losing her, I hold on very tight to my family. My sisters are my "go to" gals in so many ways. We know everything about eachother and can be ourselves around eachother. I want us all to grow to be old ladies, old ladies who get to soak up grandchildren even. I want my bros to live to be old men.
I am thankful that God hears my prayers of protection and healing. I am thankful too how modern medicine has come such a long way. And it is amazing what cardiology has learned about medications, devices for the heart... there is so much more that can be done now.
God has a plan for each of us. I have to trust His plan.
Praying for Natasha and Reese and kids as they get settled. They have been painting like crazy in their new house! They are learning the life of Alaska, Lane has started a new school, big changes for them and they face them and embrace them boldly.

Our sweet Hazel is napping right now after having a day of exploring and having fun.
Vance and the boys are enjoying some time out at his dads. I think the boys even got to go on an airplane ride. I am sitting in a quiet house, feeling this sweet baby move and kick... oh is he ever a blessing. In the midst of some big stuff, cardiology research and new information to process... he is a constant joy. I am so happy too that my echo last summer looked so good. Pregnancy and childbirth is a lot of work for the heart. It feels like a huge blessing to have my heart in good health as I assist God in growing this miracle.

For those of you who are praying, keep them coming. God can do really big things.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Just Another Late Start Monday...

Just another late start Monday...
I love late start Mondays.
This morning our yummy, simple breakfast was made up of toaster streudels and strawberries on leftover Ravens plates from yesterday. :)

Willem did a little reading before school.
His reading is really taking off!!

Getting ready to head to the bus...

Love these kids!

Oh and a hug and an I love you from Hazel...

Now, to spend the day with Miss Hazel Jane...

Happy Monday!
Yesterday's Super Bowl was fun. It was a quiet day at home for us... just what we needed.
Vance made some delicious wings, I made Touchdown Taco Dip ( a Pampered Chef recipe).
Vance and Merit were pretty excited about the big game!
This week we have basketball, baseball, Math is Cool, an OB appt for me, possibly an afternoon of ice skating, a few
organizational projects to take on, Valentine cards to make ... and fun to be had.

Praying this week for healthy hearts, for healing and protection.
I am so thankful for my friends who are praying for our family!
So thankful for my family, thankful that Reese, Natasha and kids have all made it to
their new home in Kodiak. I was very inspired by blogs over the weekend. That is a fun winter hobby of mine. Enjoy your week... I will be back soon!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...